Connectionists: PhD position at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Jean-Pascal Pfister jean-pascal.pfister at
Wed Aug 24 06:13:46 EDT 2011

Applications are invited for a PhD student position in the Department of
Physiology in the University of Bern (Switzerland). The position is funded
by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant entitled "Normative theory of
synaptic plasticity across multiple time scales". The PhD student will be
supervised by Jean-Pascal Pfister in the Computational Neuroscience Lab
(headed by W. Senn).

The aim of the project is to develop theoretical models of short-term and
long-term synaptic plasticity. We are particularly interested in
biologically plausible models of synaptic plasticity that are derived from
first principles. The project will involve collaborations with both
experimental lab (in particular the lab of R. Hahnloser , University of
Zurich / ETHZ, Switzerland) and theory lab (in particular with M. Lengyel,
University of Cambridge, UK).

The Department of Physiology in Bern offers an ideal environment for
studying Computational Neuroscience due to the presence of both experimental
group (T. Nevian) as well as theory group (W. Senn).

Candidates should hold a Diplom/Master degree in Physics, Mathematics,
Machine learning, Computational Neuroscience or related field with a strong
analytical background and demonstrate interest in theoretical neuroscience.
Preference will be given to candidates with good programming skills.

The position is offered for a period of three years, starting on the 1st of
October 2011 at the earliest time. Salary scale is provided by the Swiss
National Science Foundation (

Applicants should submit (by email) a CV, a statement of research interests,
2 reference letters, marks obtained for the Diploma/Master, abstract of the
Diploma/Master to Jean-Pascal Pfister (pfister at before the 15th
of September 2011.


Jean-Pascal Pfister, PhD

Computational Neuroscience Lab
Physiology Department, University of Bern
5 Bühlplatz, CH-3012 Bern, CH

Computational and Biological Learning Lab
Engineering Department, Cambridge University
Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK

e-mail: pfister at
URL 1 :
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tel: ++41 31 631 35 09
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