Connectionists: Position for Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate

Andreas Tolias atolias at
Thu May 6 09:58:29 EDT 2010

Position for Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Associate to study the  
neural circuits that govern visual processing and learning.

Position at the level of postdoctoral fellow or research associate is  
available to study the neuronal mechanisms that govern perception and  
learning. Our focus is to understand the mechanisms of these  
processes at the circuit level in the visual system. To this end, we  
employ methods that allow us to study the properties of network of  
neurons in vivo during behavior. Specifically, we use chronic arrays  
of tetrodes and in vivo two-photon imaging combined with  
psychophysical and computational methods. We have developed the  
capability to record from the same individual neurons across multiple  
days in awake, behaving primates that gives us the unique opportunity  
to study how circuits reorganize in vivo during learning. Our lab has  
also strong interest to develop new technologies to record from  
interconnected neural circuits using novel imaging and multi- 
electrode recording methods and also to develop methods – including  
optogenetic and electrical microstimulation tools - to manipulate the  
activity of circuits in vivo. The research scientist for this  
position will have the opportunity to study brain mechanisms of  
behavior using one or a combination of these methods.

Baylor College of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer.

Send inquiries and applications to:
Andreas Tolias, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Baylor College of Medicine
Suite S553
Houston, Texas 77030
atolias at
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