Connectionists: (Springer's) COGNITIVE COMPUTATION journal - Special Issue on Cognitive Behavioural Systems - Final CFP

Dr. Amir Hussain ahu at
Wed Feb 24 07:43:50 EST 2010

Cognitive Computation (Springer, USA) - Final Call for Papers

Special Issue on “Cognitive Behavioural Systems”

Guest Editors:

Simon Haykin (McMaster University, ON, Canada)

Anna Esposito (Second University of Naples, Italy)

Marcos Faundez‐Zanuy (Escola Politecnica de Mataro, Barcelona, Spain)

Amir Hussain (University of Stirling, UK)

Janet Silfka (Vlingo, Boston, USA)

Cognitive processes, such as inference, categorization, and memory, are not
independent from their physical instantiations. Individuals’ choices,
perception, and actions emerge and are dynamically affected /enhanced by the
interaction between sensory‐motor systems and the inhabited environment
(that includes the organizational, cultural, and physical context). This
interplay brings up instantiations of cognitive behavioural systems.

In this context, we are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special
issue of the Cognitive Computation journal on “Cognitive Behavioural
Systems”. This call is open to all researchers involved in the field.

Submissions are invited in the following areas:

Human factors and behavioural patterns;

Interactive and unsupervised multimodal systems;

Analysis of verbal and nonverbal communication signals;

Cross modal analysis of audio and video;

Spontaneous face‐to‐face interaction;

Advanced acoustical and perceptual signal processing;

Audiovisual data encoding;

Fusion of visual and audio signals for recognition and synthesis;

Identification of human emotional states;

Analysis of gesture, speech and facial expressions;

Implementation of intelligent avatars;

Annotation of extended MPEG7 standard;

Human behaviour and unsupervised interactive interfaces;

Cognitive and psychological modelling of body‐to‐body interaction;

Artificial life;

Cultural and socio‐cultural variability;

Important Dates:

a.. Submissions Deadline (NEW): APRIL 15 2010

b.. First notification of acceptance: JULY 1, 2010

c.. Submission of revised papers: AUG 15, 2010

d.. Final notification to the authors: OCT 1, 2010

e.. Submission of final/camera‐ready papers: NOV 1, 2010..

Publication of special issue - Vol.2, Issue 3, 2010 (tentative)

Submission requirements:

All papers should follow the manuscript preparation requirements for the
Cognitive Computation submissions, see

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts via the online submission
site, available at the above link, to the attention of Professor Anna
Esposito explicitly mentioning “Submission to the Cognitive Behavioural
Systems: Special Issue” in the Subject line.

Further information:

Cognitive Computation is now indexed in DBLP -

See: http://dblp.uni‐ ‐

where you will find links to all papers published until now.

The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, 
 number SC 011159.

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