Connectionists: Summer School on "Beliefs and Decisions: of Minds and Machines"

Máté Lengyel m.lengyel at
Mon Feb 1 10:24:27 EST 2010

We invite applications for the Summer School on "Beliefs and  
Decisions: of Minds and Machines" that will be held in Budapest,  
Hungary between 5-9 July 2010.

Application deadline: 15 February 2010

The aim of the course is to demonstrate that some basic principles of  
decision making can provide a unifying framework for constructing  
intelligently behaving artefacts on one hand, and for explaining human  
and animal cognition both in simple as well as in the most complex  
domains of behaviour on the other hand. To achieve this, lectures will  
progress via domains of gradually increasing abstraction that machine  
learning algorithms and humans deal with starting from representing  
uncertainty and beliefs about unobserved quantities, through learning  
internal models of the environment, to making adaptive and successful  

The course is aimed at students, post docs, and junior faculty working  
in machine learning, cognitive science, neuroscience, or related  
fields, and especially those who are interested in a combination of  
these approaches.


- József Fiser, Brandeis University, Department of Psychology and the  
Neuroscience Program, USA
- Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge, Department of  
Engineering, UK
- Máté Lengyel, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, UK
- Michael N. Shadlen, University of Washington, Medical School, Howard  
Hughes Medical Institute, USA
- Daniel Wolpert, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, UK

(Apologies for crossposting.)

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