Connectionists: Postdoc in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, CU Boulder

Randall Charles O'Reilly Randy.OReilly at Colorado.EDU
Sun Apr 11 03:39:41 EDT 2010

Postdoctoral Opening
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of Colorado Boulder

A postdoctoral position is available starting summer or fall 2010 for someone interested in pursuing neuroscience-based computational modeling of cognition.  There are numerous projects ongoing within the lab that could be of interest, but the primary funding is to work and publish on embodied models of cognition, where a virtual robotic system explores and learns within a virtual environment, using biologically-based brain systems for vision, motor control, cognitive control, and memory.  The central hypothesis is that realistic interaction with the physical environment provides a rich source of high-quality learning signals that are unavailable to standard disembodied computational models.  The infrastructure and initial successful models are in place, so now the fun begins!

The primary requirement for the position is a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience, computer science, or neuroscience, and extensive experience with computational modeling work at the neural network and/or detailed biophysical level.  The position will be supervised by Dr. Randall O'Reilly at the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  For more information about the research, the computational cognitive neuroscience lab, and other associated faculty, see and associated links.

Interested individuals should send a curriculum vitae, representative publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of reference via email torandy.oreilly at  Applications will be reviewed starting in May, continuing until the position is filled.  The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.

- Randy
Dr. Randall C. O'Reilly   
Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of Colorado Boulder
345 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0345   
303-492-0054  Fax: 303-492-2967

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