Connectionists: learning, partition functions, and probability flow

Jascha Sohl-Dickstein jns9 at
Wed Sep 23 16:36:39 EDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to draw your attention to a recent pre/e-print
describing a new technique for parameter estimation in probabilistic
models with intractable partition functions.

Minimum Probability Flow Learning.

Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Peter Battaglino, Michael R DeWeese.

 Learning in probabilistic models is often severely hampered by the
general intractability of the normalization factor and its
derivatives. Here we propose a new learning technique that obviates
the need to compute an intractable normalization factor or sample from
the equilibrium distribution of the model. This is achieved by
establishing dynamics that would transform the observed data
distribution into the model distribution, and then setting as the
objective the minimization of the initial flow of probability away
from the data distribution. Score matching, minimum velocity learning,
and certain forms of contrastive divergence are shown to be special
cases of this learning technique. We demonstrate the application of
minimum probability flow learning to parameter estimation in Ising
models, deep belief networks, multivariate Gaussian distributions and
a continuous model with a highly general energy function defined as a
power series. In the Ising model case, minimum probability flow
learning outperforms current state of the art techniques by
approximately two orders of magnitude in learning time, with
comparable error in the recovered parameters. It is our hope that this
technique will alleviate existing restrictions on the classes of
probabilistic models that are practical for use.  - arXiv (2009) vol.

Jascha Sohl-Dickstein(, Peter Battaglino, Michael R DeWeese)

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