Connectionists: Final Call For Posters -- Dynamical Neuroscience Satellite Symposium -- Dynamical Disease

Glanzman, Dennis (NIH/NIMH) [E] dglanzma at
Thu Sep 3 12:15:03 EDT 2009

This is the final call for posters for the 17th Annual Dynamical Neuroscience Satellite Symposium - "Dynamical Disease"

(Preceding the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience)

Thursday and Friday, October 15-16, 2009

The Buckingham Ballroom of the Allerton Hotel, 701 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

The concept of dynamical diseases has been in existence for over 30 years, with numerous re-views drawing attention to disorders that are characterized by the recurrence of certain symptoms, or exhibit oscillations that appear in the intensity of an ongoing nervous system disease.  Neuropsychiatric and neurological diseases exhibiting periodicity or cyclicity include Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Klein-Levin Syndrome, Sleep Disorders, Binging, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Jet-Lag and Headache.  The time course of the disorders can range from seconds and minutes to months and years.  This symposium will examine a number of dynamical disorders of the nervous system, with the aim of providing an overarching perspective into potential underlying mechanisms, detection, prevention and treatment strategy.

Confirmed Speakers:  Markus Dahlem, Uri Eden, Bard Ermentrout, Leon Glass, Isabela Granic, Suzanne Haber, Nancy Kopell, Marc Lewis, Alfred Lewy, Haim Sompolinsky, Peter Tass, Jonathan Victor and Miles Whittington

Keynote Address:  Winner of the 2nd Annual Swartz Prize in Computational Neuroscience

Symposium Organizers:  Nicholas Schiff, Weill Cornell Medical Center, and Dennis Glanzman, NIMH/NIH


To Submit a Poster (Deadline September 18, 2009):

For programmatic information, please contact:

Dennis Glanzman  <glanzman at<mailto:glanzman at>>
National Institute of Mental Health
Telephone:  (301) 443-1576

For logistics information, please contact:

Nakia Wilson  <nwilson at<mailto:nwilson at>>
The Dixon Group
Telephone:  (877) 772-9111

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