Connectionists: Article about multi-quantal release at neo-cortical synapses

Alex Loebel alex.loebel at
Tue Nov 24 10:37:30 EST 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to draw your attention to the following article:
Multiquantal release underlies the distribution of synaptic efficacies in
the neocortex<>,

by Alex Loebel, Gilad Silberberg, Daniela Helbig, Henry Markram, Misha
Tsodyks and Magnus Richardson.

You may view and download the paper from here (abstract is below):

I will highly appreciate your comments and ideas regarding the results we
present in the paper.
All the best,

Alex Loebel, PhD
Neurobiology Department
Munich, Germany
Tel:  +49 89 2180 74820
Fax: +49 89 2180 74803
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