Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - December, 2009

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Thu Nov 12 17:30:04 EST 2009

Neural Computation - Contents - Volume 21, Number 12 - December 1, 2009


Is the Homunculus "Aware" of Sensory Adaptation?
Peggy Series, Alan A. Stocker, and Eero P. Simoncelli

Decoding Movement Trajectories through a T-Maze Using Point Process Filters
Applied to Place Field Data from Rat Hippocampal Region CA1
Yifei Huang, Mark P. Brandon, Amy L. Griffin, Michael E. Hasselmo, and Uri T. Eden


Selective Population Rate Coding: A Possible Computational Role of
Gamma Oscillations in Selective Attention
Naoki Masuda

Taming Fluctuations in a Stochastic Model of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity
Terry Elliott and Kostas Lagogiannis

Learning to Discriminate Through Long-Term Changes of Dynamical Synaptic Transaction
Christian Leibold and Michael H.K. Bendels

Plasticity-Induced Symmetry Relationships Between Adjacent Self-Organizing Topographic Maps
Jared Sylvester and James Reggia

Asymptotic Behavior of Periodic Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Delays
Wei Lin

Making the Error-Controlling Algorithm of Observable Operator Models Constructive
Ming-Jie Zhao, Herbert Jaeger, and Michael Thon

Estimation of Sparse Nonnegative Sources from Noisy Overcomplete Mixtures Using MAP
Cesar F. Caiafa and Andrzej Chichoki

On Blind Separability Based on the Temporal Predictability Method
Shengli Xie , Guoxu Zhou, Zuyuan Yang, and Yuli Fu

Adaptive Relevance Matrices in Learning Vector Quantization
Petra Schneider, Michael Biehl, and Barbara Hammer




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