Connectionists: PhD position announcement // High resolution quantitative optical imaging of neurometabolic and neurovascular coupling mechanisms

Renaud Jolivet rjolivet at
Mon May 19 12:13:54 EDT 2008

Apologies for cross-postings.

Noninvasive functional neuroimaging tools are widely applied to study the 
human brain in action. However, the hemodynamic signals of the most 
extensively used methods are still not well understood. This joint EPFL and 
ETHZ PhD project aims at understanding the quantitative aspects of 
hemodynamic changes that occur in the brain. For this aim, novel multimodal 
high resolution optical imaging tools will be developed and applied in 
animal experiments.

The thesis project (3 years) will consist of the following tasks

1. Development and validation of quantitative spectroscopic optical imaging 
2. In-vivo experiments in the rat and data analysis (Zurich).

Applicants should have a strong interest and background in engineering 
and/or physics. Skills in animal experiments are not mandatory, however, the 
candidate must be open and interested in this part of the project. Please 
contact Prof. Bruno Weber (bweber at or Prof. Christian 
Depeursinge (christian.depeursinge at

Dr Renaud Jolivet
Roche Research Fellow
University of Zurich
Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology

University Hospital Zürich
Nuclear Medicine
Rämistrasse 100
CH-8091 Zürich

Tel: +41 76 437 9798

rjolivet at

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