Connectionists: Conference: Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment, 28 July - 3 Aug 2008, in Tuscany

Eero Simoncelli eero at
Thu May 15 18:36:57 EDT 2008

Dear Colleagues,

The 4th Gordon Research Conference on Sensory Coding and the Natural  
Environment will take place in Il Ciocco, Italy from 28 July to 3  
August, 2008.  The meeting is intended to bring together an  
interdisciplinary collection of researchers interested in  
understanding the representation and use of ecologically relevant  
sensory signals in biological systems, along with those interested in  
characterizing the structure of those signals.  The list of invited  
speakers is provided below.

* The full program, and information about registration and submission  
of abstracts for poster presentation, is available at:

* When registering, you have the option of submitting an abstract for  
a poster.  Submitted abstracts may be revised up until mid-July.

* Registration is open until mid-July, *but* is subject to  
availability (attendance is limited to 150).

Eero Simoncelli and Michael Berry
   Co-Chairs, Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment, 2008
   A Gordon Research Conference


Scene Statistics and Principles of Nervous System Design
   Daniel Wolpert,  Roland Baddeley

Natural Olfaction
   Gilles Laurent (session chair), Tim Holy, Noam Sobel, Rachel Wilson

   Markus Meister (session chair), Michael Webster, David McAlpine

Natural Audition: Neural
   Kamal Sen (session chair), Tim Gentner, Jan Schnupp, Tatyana Sharpee

Natural Audition: Perception
   Timothy Griffiths (session chair), Josh McDermott, Rhodri Cusack

Active Sensation
   Mathew E. Diamond (session chair), Cynthia Moss, Michele Rucci,  
Moritz von

Statistical Models and Analysis of Natural Scenes
   Odelia Schwartz (session chair), Mattias Bethge, Maneesh Sahani

Natural Vision: Early to Mid Stages
   David Brainard (session chair), Dario Ringach, Emilio Salinas,  
Larry Maloney

Natural Vision: Late Stages
   Aude Oliva (session chair), Ed Conner, Jitendra Malik

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