Connectionists: Postdoc Position (Computational Neuroscience) at University of Munich (LMU)

Christian Leibold leibold at
Mon Jul 21 05:48:11 EDT 2008

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in computational
neuroscience in the lab of  Christian Leibold at the  Department of 
Biology II of the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. The position 
is  at the level of an assistant (senior postdoc; 'akademischer Rat'). 
The group is located at the Biocenter Martinsried. The campus in 
Martinsried hosts a vivid and rapidly growing neuroscience community 
including the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, the 
Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology, and the Graduate School of 
Systemic Neurosciences. The group is specialized on modelling of 
neuronal circuits with an emphasis on small recurrent networks and 
synaptic plasticity.

The candidates are expected to have a PhD in physics or computer science 
or a related subject and ideally already have experience in 
theoretical/computational neuroscience. The successful candidate shall 
start developing an own independent research profile in modelling of 
neuronal systems. Moreover, he is expected to closely collaborate with 
local experimentalists. Possible topics of research are auditory 
processing, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and models of the 
hippocampal formation.

For more information see:

To apply, please email your CV, list of publications, a short letter (1 
page) of motivation, and the names two references to leibold at

Applications received until 31st of August 2008 are guaranteed full 

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