Connectionists: JOB: Two Postdoc Positions in Machine Learning at Cambridge University

Zoubin Ghahramani zoubin at
Thu Nov 29 18:13:20 EST 2007


   Two Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions in


We are seeking two highly creative and motivated postdoctoral  
Research Associates to join the Machine Learning Group (http:// in the Department of Engineering, University of  
Cambridge, UK.  The research areas for the two positions are:

1.     Non-parametric Bayesian methods, approximate inference, and  

Working with Prof Zoubin Ghahramani, Prof David Wild (Bioinformatics,  
Warwick) and Dr Jim Griffin (Statistics, Kent).  The successful  
candidate should have a Ph.D. in a relevant quantitative field (e.g.  
Computer Science, Statistics, Engineering), a strong publication  
record in machine learning and Bayesian statistics and a strong  
interest in Bioinformatics. A background in MCMC methods, inference  
algorithms and nonparametric Bayesian methods is also desirable. The  
appointment is for one year initially (renewable) starting March 2008  
or as soon as possible thereafter.

2.     Graphical Models for Relational Data

Working with Prof Zoubin Ghahramani and Dr Ricardo Silva (Statistics,  
Cambridge). The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in a  
relevant quantitative field (e.g. Computer Science, Statistics,  
Engineering) and a strong publication record in machine learning,  
graphical models and Bayesian statistics. The appointment is for one  
year initially (renewable) starting February 2008 or soon thereafter.

Both appointments are funded by the EPSRC, UK.  Salary is in the  
range £25,134 - £32,796 p.a. Further details and an application form  
may be obtained from: 

Applications must be sent by email to Ms Deborah Wade,  
dlw39 at, and must include a brief letter of application, a CV  
including a list of publications, and names and email addresses of  
2-3 referees.  Closing date for applications is ** Jan 15th, 2008. **

If you are attending the NIPS 2007 conference please feel free to  
contact Zoubin Ghahramani about these positions at the conference.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity


Zoubin Ghahramani
Professor of Information Engineering
University of Cambridge

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