Connectionists: Training in Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience - Houston

Fabrizio Gabbiani gabbiani at
Mon Nov 26 10:45:27 EST 2007

Graduate Training Program in Theoretical and Computational
Neuroscience in Houston

The Houston Neuroscience community has a new program in Theoretical
and Computational Neuroscience based on an NIH training grant recently
awarded to the Gulf Coast Consortium for Theoretical and Computational
Neuroscience (GCC-TCN). This consortium consists of six research 
Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine, The University of
Houston, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and
M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center. We are offering a two-year
curriculum of inter-institutional courses on modeling and imaging of
neural systems integrated in the Ph.D. programs of each of the
participating institutions. Four graduate fellowships will be awarded
each year to support trainees in their respective departments.

The program seeks to recruit applicants with a strong
theoretical/computational background for example, physics,
chemistry, engineering, mathematics, or computer science, wishing to
transition to a research career in neuroscience.

Applicants should consult the GCC-TCN web site
( for
information about participating departments and faculty members, and a
list of available courses and other educational
opportunities. Candidates should first apply to a specific
Department/Institution. This is followed during the first year by an
application for a GCC-TCN Fellowship through the GCC-TCN web site.
For more information, please contact the representatives at
the participating institutions listed below.

Dr. Peter Saggau, Baylor College of Medicine (psaggau at
Dr. Fabrizio Gabbiani, Baylor College of Medicine (gabbiani at
Dr. Steve Cox, Rice University (cox at
Dr. Kresimir Josic, University of Houston (josic at
Dr. Harel Shouval, University of Texas Health Science Center at
Houston (Harel.Shouval at Dr. Prahlad Ram, M.D. Anderson 
Cancer Research Center (pram at
Dr. Volker Neugebauer, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
(voneugeb at

Fabrizio Gabbiani		phone: (713) 798 1849
Department of Neuroscience	fax:   (713) 798 3946
Baylor College of Medicine	email: gabbiani at
One Baylor Plaza,               web:
Houston, TX 77030

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