Connectionists: CFP: Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, AMAM08, June 1-6, 2008, Cleveland, USA

Auke Ijspeert auke.ijspeert at
Thu Nov 8 11:59:27 EST 2007

Call for Abstracts and Participation: AMAM08

AMAM: Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines
June 1-6, 2008, Cleveland, OH, USA

<>AMAM08 is the fourth international symposium 
dedicated to
the neuromechanics, sensory perception, and intelligence
behind adaptive movement in animals, and the modeling,
analysis, and technical development of adaptive movement
in animals and machines.  Previous symposia were held in
Montreal, Canada (2000); Kyoto, Japan (2003); and
Ilmenau, Germany (2005).

The symposium will include a single track of keynote (evening),
plenary, and invited seminar speakers, plus poster sessions.
We will also continue the tradition of a "Robot Zoo," where
researchers may demonstrate their latest machines.

Poster abstracts are invited in all areas pertaining to adaptive
motion in animals and machines.  We especially encourage
submission in the three main focus areas for AMAM08:
* Robotics
* Neurobiology of Movement Behavior
* Functional Electrical Stimulation

Confirmed keynote and plenary speakers include
+ Hunter Peckham
+ Hirosi Kimura
+ Ansgar Büschges
+ Paolo Dario
+ Mike Dickinson
+ Kiisa Nishikawa
+ Kier Pearson
+ Marc Raibert
+ Barry Trimmer
+ Barbara Webb

A distinguished list of seminar speakers is also being invited.

Poster abstracts (350 words) and Robot Zoo submissions are due by
January 21, 2008.  Notification of final acceptance will occur by
March 17, 2008.

Detailed submission instructions will be available at the meeting


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