Connectionists: Cosyne 2008 Registration and Abstract Submission Open

Alex Wade alexwade at
Mon Nov 5 13:08:28 EST 2007

                Annual Meeting
   Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne)

     MAIN MEETING                     WORKSHOPS
  28 Feb - 2 Mar, 2008              3 - 4 Mar, 2008
 Salt Lake City, Utah        Snow Bird Ski Resort, Utah



Cosyne 2008 Announcements:

MAIN MEETING: the cosyne web site will be open for abstract submission
on 1 November, and the SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS 30 NOVEMBER.  The program
committee is listed below.

WORKSHOPS: the finalized list of workshops (further information
available on the web site) is as follows:

1.  Linking Auditory Neurophysiology to Perception (Schnupp)
2.  The cortical microcircuit and cognitive function (Reynolds, Sommer)
3.  Neurophysiology in awake, behaving rodents (Laubach, Shuler)
4.  Solving systems neuroscience problems with molecular tools (Boyden)
5.  Reactivation and memory consolidation (Diba, Harris)
6.  Data sharing and modeling challenges in neuroscience - a first step
       towards predictive neuron models? (Roth, Gerstner, Sommer)
7.  Top down or bottom up? Measuring, modeling, and understanding
       cross-scale neural interactions (Blanche, Koepsell)
8.  Dynamic faces: From experiments to novel computational neural
       theories (Curio, Buelthoff, Giese)
9.  Recent advances in activity-dependent plasticity (Munro)
10. Spiking Networks and Reinforcement Learning (Szatmary, Izhikevich)
11. Real-time processing and the processing of time (Deneve, Buonomano)
12. Characterizing and decoding distributed brain representations
       (Kriegeskorte, Walther, Kreiman, Kiani, Aguirre)
13. What can functional imaging tell us about population coding in
       sensory systems? (Gardner, Huk, Schluppeck)


PROGRAM COMMITTEE (main meeting):
  Matteo Carandini (chair)
  Dora Angelaki
  Mathew Diamond
  Allison Doupe
  Adrienne Fairhall
  Michael Hasselmo
  Adam Kepecs
  Peter Latham
  Klaus Obermayer
  Bijan Pesaran
  John Reynolds
  Daniel Wolpert

  Tony Zador (CSHL)
  Alex Pouget (U Rochester)
  Zach Mainen (CSHL)
  Eero Simoncelli (NYU)

  General Chair:     Eero Simoncelli (NYU)
  Program Chair:     Matteo Carandini (Smith-Kettlewell)
  Workshop Chair(s): Fritz Sommer, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein (UC Berkeley)
  Publicity Chair:   Alex Wade  (Smith-Kettlewell)

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