Connectionists: CFPs for Mini-Symposium on Attention at Shanghai Inter Conf Cignitive Dynmaics

Soo-Young Lee longlifelee at
Mon May 7 01:50:08 EDT 2007

Call for Paper (Submission Deadline: May 31, 2007)

ICCN07 Mini-Symposium MS-14
Cognitive Neurodynamics of Attention: Bottom-Up and Top-Down

the 1st International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2007
(ICCN'07) and
the 3rd Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics
- Cognitive Neurodynamics (SICPB'07)

Shanghai, China
November 17-21, 2007.

Selective attention is a mechanism to utilize computing resources
efficiently in brain for real-world complicated situations, and has
been studied in two different aspects, i.e., Bottom-Up (BU) and
Top-Down (TD) attention. The BU attention is given to specific parts
of sensory data based on saliencies, while TD attention is initiated
from higher brain based on a priori knowledge. There may be dynamic
interaction between the BU and TD attentions.
In this Mini-Symposium we would like to discuss cognitive
neurodynamics of attention and its applications to real-world machine
vision and speech processing tasks. We hope it will be the place of
exciting discussions among cognitive scientists, computational
modelers, and information processing engineers.
We encourage contributions presenting new scientific findings,
mathematical models, and novel applications.

- Cognitive sciences of attention
- Computational models of attention
- Engineering applications to image and speech processing in
real-world complicated environments

Paper Submission

Perspective authors are encouraged to contact the organizers with
their contribution proposals before the submission deadline.

All papers should be formatted according to Springer's LCNS formatting
standards explained on the ICCN07 submission page as follows:

MS-14 mini-symposium papers should be submitted using ICCN07 Online
Submission System with selection of a special session MS-14 option
using a  session button at:

after user registration.

Paper Submission Deadline: 	May 31, 2007
Decision Notification: 	June 30, 2007
Final Version Submission / Advanced Registration: 	July 31, 2007

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