Connectionists: Call for nomination of Editors of Scholarpedia

Eugene M. Izhikevich Eugene.Izhikevich at
Mon Mar 19 01:53:43 EDT 2007

Scholarpedia is the free peer-reviewed encyclopedia written by Scholars 
from around the world. It combined the philosophies of Encyclopedia 
Britannica and Wikipedia.

The 13th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica has "Space-Time" entry 
written by A. Einstein and "Psychoanalysis" entry written by Z. Freud. 
If Britannica had the feature of curatorship, physicists and 
psychologists of today would be fighting each other for the honor to be 
curators of these articles. The goal of Scholarpedia is to invite 
today's Einsteins and Freuds to write entries on their major discoveries 
so that future generation of experts would be willing to maintain these 
articles via the wiki-style process of curatorship.

At present, Scholarpedia hosts Encyclopedia of Computational 
Neuroscience, Encyclopedia of Computational Intelligence, and 
Encyclopedia of Dynamical Systems. Most articles in these encyclopedias 
have already been reserved and many have been written by the original 
inventors/authors of the topics. For example, T. Kohonen wrote "Kohonen 
Network", J. Hopfield wrote "Hopfield Network", R. FitzHugh wrote 
"FitzHugh-Nagumo Model", Ya. Sinai wrote "Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy", L. 
Zadeh wrote "Fuzzy Logic", and so on.

Within a year, the three encyclopedias will be used as seeds to start 
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Neuroscience, and then of Neuroscience, 
Encyclopedia of Computer Science, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Biology, 
and then of Applied Mathematics. Subsequently, all these encyclopedias 
will merge to Encyclopedia of Biology, of Engineering, of Physics, and 
of Mathematics.

To achieve this ambitious goal, Scholarpedia establishes a new privilege 
- "Editor" (in addition to "Scholar" and "Curator"). Editorial 
responsibilities, explained in, include 
(1) identifying and inviting the original inventors/authors/discoverers 
for the corresponding topics, (2) initiating election of authors when 
the original author is no longer alive or when many people made 
comparable contribution, (3) communicating with the authors and helping 
them with their articles, (4) initiating and supervising peer-review 

Each category in Scholarpedia, like "Reinforcement Learning", 
"NeuroImaging", "Olfaction", "Pattern Recognition", etc., will have its 
own Editor. When the majority of articles in a category are published as 
a part of a printed Encyclopedia, the editor's name appears on the front 
cover of the Encyclopedia.

Editors of Scholarpedia must be elected by the public based on their 
scholarly achievements and reputation in the field (using the same 
procedure as election of authors).

However, during next few months, Scholarpedia needs to invite a few 
editors to test-drive the editorial system. If you would like to join 
this project as an editor, please send your CV or link to your webpage 
to the Editor-in-Chief at Indicate which category you 
would like to be considered for. Preference will be given to those 
experts who have already served on a editorial board of a peer-review 
journal, those who have already contributed to Scholarpedia (as an 
author or a reviewer), those who have an equivalent of tenure or 
tenure-track position, or those who have high Scholar Index.

Eugene M. Izhikevich – Editor-in-Chief of Scholarpedia, the free
peer-reviewed encyclopedia.

Eugene M. Izhikevich, Ph.D.,
The Neurosciences Institute,   Eugene.Izhikevich at
10640 John J. Hopkins Drive           tel:(858) 626-2063
San Diego, CA, 92121,   USA           fax:(858) 626-2099

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