Connectionists: Research Professorship in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Antwerp

Erik De Schutter erik at
Wed Mar 14 05:56:16 EDT 2007

The following tenured faculty position is available within the  
Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences of the  
University of Antwerp, Belgium:

            Research Lecturer/Professor (ZAP-BOF) in Computational  

The successful candidate will develop a computational neuroscience  
research line that fits within the overall research program of the  
Laboratory of Theoretical Neurobiology ( In  
addition the candidate will participate in managing the National  
Neuroinformatics Node and contribute to teaching in the Master in  
Biomedical Sciences/Neuroscience.

Candidates are expected to have a PhD in a topic related to  
computational neuroscience but also to be able to interface well with  
experimental work. Preference is given to candidates with at least 6  
years of postdoctoral training and with a strong, international  
publication record.

Appointment is for an evaluation period of 3 years after which it  
becomes tenured.  Starting grade depends on experience and academic  
qualifications. The special research lecturer/professor mandate can  
last a maximum of 10 years after which one becomes a lecturer/professor.

Application using the specific form of the University of Antwerp  
together with a 5-10 page research plan for the first 5 years.   
Application deadline April 28, 2007.

Text of the vacancy: 
Application form:*VACATURES&n=20319

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