Connectionists: ANNOUNCE: PASCAL Visual Object Classes Recognition Challenge 2007

Chris Williams ckiw at
Mon Apr 30 13:10:41 EDT 2007

   PASCAL Visual Object Classes Recognition Challenge 2007

We are running a third PASCAL Visual Object Classes Recognition
Challenge. This time there are more classes (twenty), more challenging
images, and the possibility of more confusion between classes with
similar visual appearance (cars/bus/train, bicycle/motorbike).

As before, participants can recognize any or all of the classes, and there
are classification and detection tracks. There are also two "taster"
competitions, on pixel-wise segmentation and on person layout (detecting
head, hands, feet).

The development kit (Matlab code for evaluation, and baseline algorithms)
and training data is now available at:

where further details are given. The timetable of the challenge is:

* April 2007: Development kit and training data available.

* 11 June 2007: Test data made available.

* 17 Sept 2007, 11pm GMT: DEADLINE for submission of results.

* 15 October 2007: Visual Recognition Challenge workshop (Caltech 256 and
PASCAL VOC2007) to be held as part of ICCV 2007 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

Mark Everingham
Luc Van Gool
Chris Williams
John Winn
Andrew Zisserman

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