Connectionists: 2nd CFP for BrainIT2006

Masumi Ishikawa ishikawa at
Wed May 17 03:30:58 EDT 2006


Welcome to BrainIT 2006
   The third international conference, BrainIT 2006, will be held in 
Kitakyushu, Japan, on September 27-29, 2006, in order to establish the 
foundations of the Brain-Inspired Information Technology. All working at 
the frontiers of Brain Science to Information Technology including Robotics 
are invited to participate in the third international conference, BrainIT 
2006. At this conference, we will organize special sessions on the results 
of our COE research program in addition to invited papers from a wide range 
of fields from Brain Science to Information Technology.

Special Session
Mitsuo Kawato
(Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR), Japan)

Invited Sessions
Asla Pitkanen           (University of Kuopio, Finland)
Andreas G. Andreou       (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Helge Ritter            (Bielefeld  University, Germany)
Rodney Douglas          (University/ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Yoshihiko Nakamura      (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Lamp Session
Ryohei Kanzaki          (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Abstract (for presentation) Submission Deadline:   June 12, 2006
Notification of Acceptance:                        July 14, 2006
Early Registration Deadline:                       September 5, 2006

   BrainIT 2006 solicits experimental, computational, theoretical as well 
as engineering papers related to the topics in the following 
non-exhaustive, non-exclusive categories. 

 1. Vision systems
 2. Other sensory systems
 3. Cognition & Languages
 4. Learning and Memory
 5. Behavior & Emotion
 6. Motor controls
 7. Dynamics 
 8. Neural computation
 9. Neural networks
10.Brain-inspired intelligent machines

   Papers that bridge brain science and information technology are 
especially welcome. Regular papers may include speculative discussions on 
Brain-Inspired Information Technology.
   BrainIT 2006 is open to all working at the frontiers of Brain Science to 
Information Technology (modeling and hardware realization) and provides the 
opportunity for presenting and discussing ideas that pave the way for the 
new field, Brain-Inspired Information Technology. 

Instructions for Authors
   Authors for poster presentation must submit a 1-page A4-sized abstract 
electronically via our web site, though submissions by e-mail are also 
available.  Only PDF files are acceptable. Each abstract will be 
independently reviewed by two reviewers. Abstracts selected by reviewers 
are asked to present in a Selected Paper Session, an oral session.  
BrainIT2006 will publish an edited book as before.  For further 
information, please refer to our web site.

   Registration is free of charge. However, we recommend your early 
registration as the number of abstract books and other materials may be limited.

- "World of brain computing interwoven out of animals and robots": The 21st 
Century Center of Excellence Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, 
Sports, Science and Technology, Japan
- Kyushu Institute of Technology 
- Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI)
- Kitakyushu Foundation for the Advancement of Industry, Science and 
Technology (FAIS)

Contact us
Tetsuo FURUKAWA, PhD, Professor
Phone: +81-93-695-6124, Fax: +81-93-695-6134
E-mail: secretariat at
For more information, please visit our web site:

Masumi Ishikawa
Department of Brain Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering
Kyushu Institute of Technology
2-4 Hibikino, Wakamatsu, Kitakyushu 808-0196, Japan
Tel and Fax: +81-93-695-6106
Email: ishikawa at

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