Connectionists: CFP: Workshop " Confidence Estimation for Natural Language Processing" at HLT/NAACL 2007

Cyril Goutte cyril.goutte at
Tue Dec 19 17:10:29 EST 2006

Dear connectionists,

The following CFP may be of interest to people working on NLP applications
and/or calibration issues.

Cyril.Goutte at
Interactive Language Technology          101 rue St-Jean-Bosco
Institute for Information Technology      Gatineau, QC K1A 0R6
National Research Council                               Canada


Confidence Estimation for Natural Language Processing

NAACL-HLT 2007 Workshop
Rochester, New York, 26 April 2007


Confidence estimation (CE) is a method for automatically estimating the
reliability of output generated by NLP systems. It is useful in scenarios
where the underlying systems make errors, especially when human users are
involved. This is the case in many areas of NLP, because systems are known
to be imperfect. Applications can exploit knowledge of likely mistakes to
improve their interactions with users and thereby enhance their overall
effectiveness. The workshop aims at bringing researchers from different NLP
fields together. We would like to provide a forum for sharing ideas,
techniques, and experience on common aspects of CE across different areas of
NLP. We hope to provide an opportunity for researchers to learn from
previous and ongoing work in other fields.

Main topics:

The workshop invites technical papers related to confidence estimation for
natural language processing. Possible topics include, but are not limited
* CE techniques for different NLP areas
* Design and training of CE models; machine learning
* Confidence features exploring different knowledge sources
* Evaluation and calibration of CE
* CE with imprecise or unreliable references
* Applications of CE in NLP
* Lessons learned from CE systems deployed in applications

Submission instructions:

Researchers interested in presenting their work at the workshop should
prepare a PDF (or postscript) version of their paper, maximum 8 pages
(including references) in the NAACL/HLT 2007 format.
Reviewing will be double-blind. Submissions will be handled electronically
using the START system. The dates are given below.

Program Committee:

Eugene Agichtein (Emory University, Atlanta)
Aron Culotta (U of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Chris Drummond (NRC Canada, Ottawa/U of Ottawa)
Marcello Federico (ITC-irst, Trento)
Simona Gandrabur (Idilia, Montreal)
Christian Gollan (RWTH Aachen University)
Didier Guillevic (Idilia, Montreal)
Philippe Langlais (RALI, U de Montreal)
Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen University)
Chris Quirk (Microsoft Research, Redmond)
Carl Edward Rasmussen (Max Planck Institute, Tübingen)
Alberto Sanchis (U of Valencia)
Michel Simard (NRC Canada, Gatineau)
Enrique Vidal (U of Valencia)
Stephan Vogel (CMU, Pittsburgh)


Nicola Ueffing (NRC Canada, Gatineau)
George Foster (NRC Canada, Gatineau)
Cyril Goutte (NRC Canada, Gatineau)

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: 18 Jan 2007
Notification:        22 Feb 2007
Camera-ready:         1 Mar 2007
Workshop date:       26 Apr 2007

For more information, see the workshop page at

Nicola Ueffing
Interactive Language Technologies Group
National Research Council Canada

101 St-Jean-Bosco Street
Gatineau, QC, Canada
Tel.:  +1 (819) 934-8992
Fax:   +1 (819) 934-2607
Email: Nicola.Ueffing at

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