Connectionists: Graduate program in neuroscience - UC Berkeley

Bruno Olshausen baolshausen at
Fri Dec 2 15:28:05 EST 2005


   ** Application deadline: December 15, 2005 **

The Graduate Program in Neuroscience at UC Berkeley is currently
accepting applications for admission for the 2006-2007 academic year.
There are numerous opportunities for students interested in focusing
on computational and theoretical approaches within the context of an
interdisciplinary neuroscience training program.  Faculty supporting
this area include:

   Martin Banks - Visual space perception, psychophysics, virtual reality
   Jose Carmena - Brain-machine interfaces, sensorimotor control, learning
   Yang Dan - Information processing in thalamus and cortex
   Jack Gallant - Neural mechanisms of visual form perception and attention
   Tom Griffiths - Computational models of cognition
   Stanley Klein - Computational models of spatial vision, psychophysics
   Harold Lecar - Theoretical biophysics, network models
   Bruno Olshausen - Models of visual cortex, scene analysis
   Fritz Sommer - Network models of associative memory and learning
   Frederic Theunissen - Neural mechanisms of complex sound recognition
   Frank Werblin - Information processing in the retina

Faculty in other programs also pursuing computational/theoretical
approaches to neuroscience questions include

   Michael Gastpar, EECS - Neural coding, information theory
   Jitendra Malik, EECS -  Models of early vision and object recognition
   Alva Noe, Philosophy - Theories of perception and sensorimotor loops
   Lokendra Shastri, ICSI - Models of episodic memory in hippocampus
   Bin Yu, Statistics - Neural coding, image statistics

In addition, the newly established Redwood Center for Theoretical
Neuroscience provides a central workspace for theoreticians and
organizes a weekly seminar series, workshops, and hosts visiting
scholars.  See

For further information and details of the application processs see

and please note the application deadline above.

Bruno A. Olshausen
Director, Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience
and Associate Professor, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
and School of Optometry, UC Berkeley
132 Barker Hall, #3190, Berkeley, CA 94720-3190
(510) 643-1472 / 4952 (fax)

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