Connectionists: PhD studentship in graphical models

Wael El-Deredy Wael.El-deredy at
Thu Aug 25 07:33:23 EDT 2005

Bayesian networks for knowledge discovery 
and collaborative filtering

EPSRC CASE Studentship
(see new eligibility criteria below)

A PhD studentship is available for three years to 
develop and evaluate graphical models for collaborative 
filtering.  Probabilistic recommender systems capable 
of hidden variables underpinning preference, choice and 
purchase behaviour will be developed within the Bayesian 
belief networks framework. The project will involve close 
interaction with industrial sponsors and will be supervised 
by Professor Paulo Lisboa at the school of Computing and 
Mathematical Sciences - Liverpool John Moores University 
and Dr. Wael El-Deredy at School of Psychological Sciences, 
University of Manchester. The successful candidates will 
receive an enhanced EPSRC stipend. 

Eligible candidates* wishing to apply should send by email 
a supporting statement together with a CV containing names 
and addresses of two referees by the closing date of 
Monday 26th September 2005.

* Candidates must satisfy the EPSRC eligibility requirements:  
Recent changes to the criteria have opened full CASE studentship 
funding to EU nationals with residence in the UK for at least 
3 years, which now include periods of stay for the purpose 
of higher education.

For further information and applying contact Professor 
PJG Lisboa email: p.j.lisboa at, tel. 0151 231 2225

Wael.El-Deredy at
School of Psychological Sciences
University of Manchester
Zochonis Building - Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel.  +44(0) 161 275 2566
Fax   +44(0) 161 275 2685

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