Neural Networks 17(7)

Neural Networks Editorial Office nnrev at
Fri Sep 10 04:22:44 EDT 2004

Contents - Volume 17, Number 7- 2004
***** Psychology and Cognitive Science *****
Oscillatory model of attention-guided object selection
and novelty detection
Roman M. Borisyuk, Yakov B. Kazanovich

***** Neuroscience and Neuropsychology *****
Impact of deviation from precise balance
of spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Narihisa Matsumoto, Masato Okada

***** Mathematical and Computational Analysis *****

Learning to generate combinatorial action sequences utilizing the initial
sensitivity of deterministic dynamical systems
Ryu Nishimoto, Jun Tani

Reliability of internal prediction/estimation and its application.
I. Adaptive action selection reflecting reliability of value function
Yutaka Sakaguchi, Mitsuo Takano

Binocular disparity encoding cells generated
through an Infomax based learning algorithm
Kenji Okajima

Analysis of perfect mappings of the stimuli through
neural temporal sequences
Francisco B. Rodri'guez, Ramo'n Huerta,

Modeling of growing networks with directional
attachment and communities
Masahiro Kimura, Kazumi Saito1, Naonori Ueda

When is approximation by Gaussian networks
necessarily a linear process?
H.N. Mhaskar

A recurrent neural network with exponential convergence for solving
convex quadratic program and related linear piecewise equations
Youshen Xia, Gang Feng, Jun Wang

Boundedness and stability for nonautonomous cellular
neural networks with delay
Mehbuba Rehim, Haijun Jiang, Zhidong Teng

An analysis of exponential stability of delayed neural networks
with time varying delays
Sabri Arik


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