Robotics/Cognitive Science faculty positions at IU

Larry Yaeger larryy at
Fri Oct 22 11:59:11 EDT 2004

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.   Two faculty positions 
beginning August 2005.

As part of a series of new appointments, the Cognitive Science 
Program at Indiana University seeks one senior and one junior level 
appointment in the general area of intersection of cognitive science 
and robotics. Senior applicants should have a strong record of 
research and teaching, a desire to take a leadership position, and a 
record supporting such a position. Applicants for the junior level 
position should have a record that demonstrates an excellent 
potential in the areas of research and teaching. Applicant's areas of 
expertise may but do not have to include biomorphic robotics, 
evolutionary robotics, artificial life, and embodied cognition. 
Successful applicants will take a leadership role in the planning and 
execution of a new, state-of-the-art laboratory for teaching and 
research. Applicants should send full dossiers, including letters of 
recommendation or names and addresses of referees.  Indiana 
University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 
Applications from women and minority group members are especially 
encouraged.  Please send materials to Professor Richard Shiffrin, 
Search Committee, Cognitive Science Program, 1033 E. Third St., 
Sycamore 0014, Bloomington, IN 47405.  Applications received by 
December 1, 2004 are assured full consideration.  Please see our 
website: for information regarding 
additional open faculty positions.

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