a new book: Duality of the Mind

Ron Sun rsun at ari1.cecs.missouri.edu
Tue May 20 14:24:00 EDT 2003

Announcing a new book published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

               D U A L I T Y  O F  T H E  M I N D

              A Bottom-up Approach toward Cognition

                            by Ron Sun

Synthesizing situated cognition, reinforcement learning, and hybrid
connectionist models, a cognitive architecture focused on situated
involvement and interaction with the world is developed in this book. The
architecture notably incorporates the distinction between implicit and
explicit processes.

The work described in the book demonstrates the cognitive validity of
the architecture, by ways of capturing a wide range of human learning
data. Computational properties of the architecture is explored with
experiments that manipulate implicit and explicit processes to optimize
performance in a range of domains.   Philosophical implications
of the approach, on situated cognition, intentionality, symbol grounding,
and consciousness, are also  explored in detail.

In a nutshell, this book motivates and develops a  framework for
studying human cognition, based on an approach that is characterized by
its focus on the dichotomy of, and the interaction between, implicit
and explicit cognition.

For more details, go to 

To order the book, go to

Professor Ron Sun, Ph.D          James C. Dowell Professor 
CECS Department, 201 EBW         phone: (573) 884-7662 
University of Missouri-Columbia  fax:   (573) 882-8318 
Columbia, MO 65211-2060          email: rsun at cecs.missouri.edu 

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