PhD position in Theoretical Neuroscience

Christian Eurich eurich at
Wed Jul 2 11:33:40 EDT 2003

Dear Connectionists,

a PhD position is available in the Institute for Theoretical
Neurophysics at the University of Bremen for a project on

human sensorimotor control loops.

In cooperation with experimental groups, dynamical models of action and
perception will be developed to investigate, for example, human postural

sway and the task of balancing sticks on the fingertip. Typical methods
we employ in our institute include dynamical systems theory, neural
networks, and statistical estimation theory. Our homepage is

The University of  Bremen has several institutions in the field of
Neuroscience, including a Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and a
Special Research Project "Neurocognition". There are several theoretical

and experimental groups in the Physics, Biology and Psychology working
on neural network modeling, psychophysics, and electrophysiology. The
Hanse Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst (which is close to
Bremen) hosts international guests from the area of Neuroscience and
Cognitive Science and also organizes Neuroscience workshops and

Closing date is July 25, 2003. For further information and applications,

please contact Dr. Christian Eurich during the upcoming CNS conference
in Alicante or at

Universitaet Bremen
Institut fuer Theoretische Neurophysik, FB 1
Postfach 330 440
D-28334 Bremen, Germany
Phone:       +49 (421) 218-4559
Fax:         +49 (421) 218-9104
e-mail:      eurich at

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