Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience

Klaus Obermayer oby at
Wed Apr 2 10:13:58 EST 2003

                 ***NEW DEADLINE APRIL 27TH 2003***

                   ***REGISTRATION FEE REDUCED***

Due to a last minute success in fundraising for the school we were able
to reduce the registration fee to EUR 600,-.

We now also have fellowships for covering the tuition fee and travel
expenses for students who need financial help for attending the course.



August 11th - September 5th, 2003


DIRECTORS: Ad Aertsen (University of Freiburg, Germany)
           Alain Destexhe (CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
           Klaus Obermayer (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
           Eilon Vaadia (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)

The Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience introduces students
to the panoply of problems and methods of computational neuroscience,
simultaneously addressing several levels of neural organisation, from
subcellular processes to operations of the entire brain.

The course consists of two complementary parts. A distinguished
international faculty gives morning lectures on topics in experimental and
computational neuroscience. The rest of the day is devoted to practical
training, including learning how to use simulation software and how to
implement a model of the system the student wishes to study on individual
UNIX workstations.

The first week of the course introduces students to essential
neurobiological concepts and to the most important techniques in modelling
single cells, networks and neural systems. Students learn how to apply
software packages like GENESIS, MATLAB, NEURON, XPP, etc. to the solution
of their problems. During the following three weeks the lectures will cover
specific brain functions. Each week topics ranging from modelling single
cells and subcellular processes through the simulation of simple circuits,
large neuronal networks and system level models of the brain will be
covered. The course ends with a presentation of the students' projects.

The Advanced Course in Computational Neuroscience is designed for advanced
graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in a variety of disciplines,
including neuroscience, physics, electrical engineering, computer science
and psychology. Students are expected to have a basic background in
neurobiology as well as some computer experience. Students of any
nationality can apply.

A maximum total of 30 students will be accepted and we specifically
encourage applications from researchers who work in less-favoured regions
and women. There will be a fee of EUR 600,- per student covering costs
for lodging, meals and other course expenses, but - due to additional
funding - we expect to provide tuition fee waivers and travel stipends
for students who need financial help for attending the course. Students
from unfavored countries are strongly encouraged to apply.

More information and application forms can be obtained from:

Please apply electronically using a web browser.

Contact address:

       - mail:   Klaus Obermayer, FR2-1, Fakultaet IV, Technical University
		 of Berlin, Franklinstrasse 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany
                 phone: +49-(0)30-314-73442
                 fax:   +49-(0)30-314-73121
       - e-mail: obidos at


Applicants will be notified of the results of the selection procedures by
May 23rd, 2003.


Larry Abbott, Brandeis University, USA
Moshe Abeles, Hebrew University, Israel
Ad Aertsen, University of Freiburg, Germany
Amos Arieli, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Thierry Bal, CNRS, France
Dave Beeman, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Diego Contreras, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Peter Dayan, University College London, UK
Erik de Schutter, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Alain Destexhe, CNRS, France
Marcus Diessmann, University of Freiburg, Germany
Andreas Engel, University of Hamburg, Germany
Karl Friston, University College London, UK
Michael Hines, Yale University, USA
Israel Nelken, Hebrew University, Israel
Miguel Nicolelis, Duke University, USA
Klaus Obermayer, TU Berlin, Germany
Tim Pearce, University of Leicester, UK
John Rinzel, New York University, USA
Arnd Roth, Max Planck Inst. Heidelberg, Germany
Michael Rudolph, CNRS, France
Lars Schwabe, TU Berlin, Germany
Idan Segev, Hebrew University, Israel
Volker Steuber, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Alex Thomson, University College London, UK
Charlie Wilson, University of Texas San Antonio, USA
Daniel Wolpert, University College London, UK
Eilon Vaadia, Hebrew University, Israel
Carl van Vreeswijk, CNRS, France
Paul Verschure, Inst. Neuroinformatics, Switzerland

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