Faculty Position at Techn. University Munich

Dr. Gerhard Schrott schrott at in.tum.de
Fri Sep 13 08:39:02 EDT 2002

The Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universitaet
Muenchen invites applications from candidates of international
standing for the position of a

Professor (C3) for Cognitive Robotics

The successful candidate will be expected to pursue independent
research and teaching in the field of cognitive robotics. Applicants
are expected to have a very strong knowledge of practical and applied
computer science and should have a particular interest in the design
and programming of robot systems. They should have a prominent
recognition in one or more of the following areas:

-	Integration of vision, language and action
-	Multimodal interaction with robot systems
-	Machine learning and issues of autonomy
-	Bio-analogous sensor data processing and sensor data fusion
-	Epigentic robotics and skill development based on instincts

Computer Science at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen is one of the
top ranked departments in Germany. We expect that the successful
candidate will teach regularly scheduled courses, supervise
undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students and exploit the potential
for interdisciplinary interfaculty cooperation within the framework of
the Technische Universitaet Muenchen.

Candidates must have a doctoral degree, post-doctoral training,
outstanding communication and leadership skills. They must also have a
record indicating demonstrated excellence in both research and
teaching in or outside of academic institutions. Candidates must not
be older than 52 years at time of the appointment, which is
tentatively limited to five years. C3 posts are roughly equivalent to
the US Associate Professor level.

Applications should be received by September 27, 2002 and consist of
CV, certificates, list of publications, selected papers, a brief
description of research accomplishments and goals as well as teaching
interests to:

Dean of Fakultaet fuer Informatik, Prof. Dr. E. Mayr, 
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching

Dr. Gerhard Schrott
Institut fr Informatik
Technische Universitt Muenchen
Boltzmannstrae 3, 85748 Garching

Phonw: +89 289-18134
Fax:   +89 289-18107
E-mail : schrott at in.tum.de
Internet: http://www6.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/

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