NIPS*2001 Workshops Announcement

Barak Pearlmutter bap at
Wed Oct 10 18:07:34 EDT 2001

          * * *      Post-NIPS*2001 Workshops      * * *
          * * *       Whistler, BC, CANADA         * * *
          * * *        December 7-8, 2001          * * *

The NIPS*2001 Workshops will be on Friday and Saturday, December 7/8,
in Whistler, BC, Canada, following the main NIPS conference in
Vancouver Monday-Thursday, December 3-6.

This year there are 19 workshops:

  Activity-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity
  Artificial Neural Networks in Safety-Related Areas
  Brain-Computer Interfaces
  Causal Learning and Inference in Humans & Machines
  Competition: Unlabeled Data for Supervised Learning
  Computational Neuropsychology
  Geometric Methods in Learning
  Information & Statistical Structure in Spike Trains
  Kernel-Based Learning
  Knowledge Representation in Meta-Learning
  Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
  Machine Learning Methods for Images and Text
  Minimum Description Length
  Multi-sensory Perception & Learning
  Neuroimaging: Tools, Methods & Modeling
  Occam's Razor & Parsimony in Learning
  Preference Elicitation
  Quantum Neural Computing
  Variable & Feature Selection

Some workshops span both days, while others will be only one day long.
One-day workshops will be assigned to friday or saturday by October 14.
Please check the web page after this time for individual dates.

All workshops are open to all registered attendees.  Many workshops
also invite submissions.  Submissions, and questions about individual
workshops, should be directed to the individual workshop organizers.
Included below is a short description of most of the workshops.
Additional information (including web pages for the individual
workshops) is available at the NIPS*2001 Web page:

Information about registration, travel, and accommodations for the
main conference and the workshops is also available there.

Whistler is a ski resort a few hours drive from Vancouver.  The daily
workshop schedule is designed to allow participants to ski half days,
or enjoy other extra-curricular activities.  Some may wish to extend
their visit to take advantage of the relatively low pre-season rates.

We look forward to seeing you in Whistler.

Virginia de Sa and Barak Pearlmutter
   NIPS Workshops Co-chairs


Activity-dependent Synaptic Plasticity

	Paul Munro, Larry Abbott

    While the mathematical and cognitive aspects of rate-based
    Hebb-like rules have been broadly explored, relatively little is
    known about the possible role of STDP at the computational
    level. Hebbian learning in neural networks requires both
    correlation-based synaptic plasticity and a mechanism that induces
    competition between different synapses.  Spike-timing-dependent
    synaptic plasticity is especially interesting because it combines
    both of these elements in a single synaptic modification
    rule. Some recent work has examined the possibility that STDP may
    underlie older models, such as Hopfield networks or the BCM
    rule. Temporally dependent synaptic plasticity is attracting a
    rapidly growing amount of attention in the computational
    neuroscience community.  The change in synaptic efficacy arising
    from this form of plasticity is highly sensitive to temporal
    correlations between different presynaptic spike
    trains. Furthermore, it can generate asymmetric and directionally
    selective receptive fields, a result supported by experiments on
    experience-dependent modifications of hippocampal place
    fields. Finally, spike-timing-dependent plasticity automatically
    balances excitation and inhibition producing a state in which
    neuronal responses are rapid but highly variable. The major goals
    of the workshop are:

    1. To review current experimental results on
       spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity and related effects.

    2. To discuss models and mechanisms for this form of synaptic plasticity.

    3. To explore the relationship of STDP with other approaches.

    4. To reconcile the rate-based and spike-based plasticity data
       with a unified theoretical framework (very optimistic!)..


Artificial Neural Networks in Safety-Related Areas:
Applications and Methods for Validation and Certification

	J. Schumann, P. Lisboa, R. Knaus

    Over the recent years, Artificial Neural Networks have found their
    way into various safety-related and safety-critical areas, for
    example, power generation and transmission, transportation,
    avionics, environmental monitoring and control, medical
    applications, and consumer products.  Applications range from
    classification to monitoring and control. Quite often, these
    applications proved to be highly successful, leading from pure
    research prototypes into serious experimental systems (e.g., a
    neural-network-based flight-control system test-flown on a NASA
    F-15ACTIVE) or commercial products (e.g., Sharp's
    Logi-cook). However, the general question of how to make sure that
    the ANN-based system performs as expected in all cases has not yet
    been addressed satisfactorily. All safety-related software
    applications require careful verification and validation (V&V) of
    the software components, ranging from extended testing to
    full-fledged certification procedures. However, for neural-network
    based systems, a number of specific issues have to be
    addressed. For example, a lack of a concise plant model, often a
    major reason to use a ANN in the first place, makes traditional
    approaches to V&V impossible.

    In this workshop, we will address such issues. In particular, we
    will discuss the following (non-exhaustive list of) topics: *
    theoretical methodologies to characterise the properties of ANN
    solutions, e.g., multiple realisations of a particular network and
    ways of managing this * fundamental software approaches to V&V and
    implications for ANNs, e.g., the application of FMEA * statistical
    (Bayesian) methods and symbolic techniques like rule extraction
    with subsequent V&V to assess and guarantee the performance of a
    ANN * dynamic monitoring of the ANN's behavior * stability proofs
    for control of dynamical systems with ANNs * principled approaches
    to design assurance, risk assessment, and performance evaluation
    of systems with ANNs * experience of application and certification
    of ANNs for safety-related applications * V&V techniques suitable
    for on-line trained and adaptive systems

    This workshop aims to bring together researchers who have applied
    ANNs in safety-related areas and actually addressed questions of
    demonstrating flawless operation of the ANN, researchers working
    on theoretical topics of convergence and performance assessment,
    researchers in the area of nonlinear adaptive control, and
    researchers from the area of formal methods in software design for
    safety-critical systems. Many prototypical/experimental
    application of neural networks in safety-related areas have
    demonstrated their usefulness successfully. But ANN applicability
    in safety-critical areas is substantially limited because of a
    lack of methods and techniques for verification and
    validation. Currently, there is no silver bullet for V&V in
    traditional software, and with the more complicated situation for
    ANNs, none is expected here in the short run. However, any result
    can have substantial impact in this field.


Brain-Computer Interfaces

	Lucas Parra, Paul Sajda, Klaus-Robert Mueller


Causal learning and inference in humans and machines

	T. Griffiths, J. Tenenbaum, T. Kushnir, K. Murphy, A. Gopnik

    The topic of causality has recently leapt to the forefront of
    theorizing in the fields of cognitive science, statistics, and
    artificial intelligence. The main objective of this workshop is to
    explore the potential connections between research on causality in
    the these three fields. There has already been much productive
    cross-fertilization: the development of causal Bayes nets in the
    AI community has often had a strong psychological motivation, and
    recent work by several groups in cognitive science has shown that
    some elementary but important aspects of how people learn and
    reason about causes may be best explained by theories based on
    causal Bayes nets.  Yet the most important questions lay wide
    open. Some examples of the questions we hope to address in this
    workshop include:

    * Can we scale up Bayes-net models of human causal learning and
    inference from microdomains with one or two causes and effects to
    more realistic large-scale domains?

    * What would constitute strong empirical tests of large-scale
    Bayes net models of human causal reasoning?

    * Do approximation methods for inference and learning on large
    Bayes nets have anything to do with human cognitive processes?

    * What are the relative roles of passive observation and active
    manipulation in causal learning?

    * What is the relation between psychological and computational
    notions of causal independence?

    The workshop will last one day.  Most of the talks will be
    invited, but we welcome contributions for short talks by
    researchers in AI, statistics or cognitive science would like to
    make connections between these fields.  Please contact one of the
    organizers if you are interested in participating.  For more
    information contact Josh Tenenbaum (jbt at or
    Alison Gopnik (gopnik at


Competition: Unlabeled Data for Supervised Learning

	Stefan C. Kremer, Deborah A. Stacey

    Recently, there has been much interest in applying techniques that
    incorporate knowledge from unlabeled data into systems performing
    supervised learning. The potential advantages of such techniques
    are obvious in domains where labeled data is expensive and
    unlabeled data is cheap. Many such techniques have been proposed,
    but only recently has any effort been made to compare the
    effectiveness of different approaches on real world problems.

    This web-site presents a challenge to the proponents of methods to
    incorporate unlabeled data into supervised learning. Can you
    really use unlabeled data to help train a supervised
    classification (or regression) system?  Do recent (and not so
    recent) theories stand up to the data test?

    On this web-site you can find challenge problems where you can try
    out your methods head-to-head against anyone brave enough to face
    you. Then, at the end of the contest we will release the results
    and find out who really knows something about using unlabeled
    data, and if unlabeled data are really useful or we are all just
    wasting our time. So ask yourself, are you (and your theory) up to
    the challenge??  Feeling lucky???


Computational Neuropsychology

	Sara Solla, Michael Mozer, Martha Farah

    The 1980's saw two important developments in the sciences of the
    mind: The development of neural network models in cognitive
    psychology, and the rise of cognitive neuroscience. In the 1990's,
    these two separate approaches converged, and one of the results
    was a new field that we call "Computational Neuropsychology." In
    contrast to traditional cognitive neuropsychology, computational
    neuropsychology uses the concepts and methods of computational
    modeling to infer the normal cognitive architecture from the
    behavior of brain-damaged patients. In contrast to traditional
    neural network modeling in psychology, computational
    neuropsychology derives constraints on network architectures and
    dynamics from functional neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.
    Unfortunately, work in computational neuropsychology has had
    relatively little contact with the Neural Information Processing
    Systems (NIPS) community.  Our workshop aims to expose the NIPS
    community to the unusual patient cases in neuropsychology and the
    sorts of inferences that can be drawn from these patients based on
    computational models, and to expose researchers in computational
    neuropsychology to some of the more sophisticated modeling
    techniques and concepts that have emerged from the NIPS community
    in recent years.

    We are interested in speakers from all aspects of neuropsychology,

	* attention (neglect)
	* visual and auditory perception (agnosia)
	* reading (acquired dyslexia)
	* face recognition (prosopagnosia)
	* memory (Alzheimer's, amnesia, category-specific deficits)
	* language (aphasia)
	* executive function (schizophrenia, frontal deficits).

    Contact Sara Solla (solla at or Mike Mozer
    (mozer at if you are interested in speaking at the


Geometric Methods in Learning workshop

	Amir Assadi

    The purpose of this workshop is to attract the attention of the
    learning community to geometric methods and to take on an

    1. To lay out a geometric paradigm for formulating profound ideas
       in learning;

    2. To facilitate the development of geometric methods suitable of
       investigation of new ideas in learning theory.

    Today's continuing advances in computation make it possible to
    infuse geometric ideas into learning that otherwise would have
    been computationally prohibitive. Nonlinear dynamics in brain-like
    complex systems has created great excitement, offering a broad
    spectrum of new ideas for discovery of parallel-distributed
    algorithms, a hallmark of learning theory.  By having great
    overlap, geometry and nonlinear dynamics together offer a
    complementary and more profound picture of the physical world and
    how it interacts with the brain, the ultimate learning system.

    Among the discussion topics, we envision the following:
    information geometry, differential topological methods for turning
    local estimates into global quantities and invariants, Riemannian
    geometry and Feynman path integration as a framework to explore
    nonlinearity, advanced in complex dynamical system theory in the
    context of learning and dynamic information processing in brain,
    and information theory of massive data sets. As before, in our
    discussion sessions we will also examine the potential impact of
    learning theory on future development of geometry, and report on
    new examples of new vistas on the impact of learning theoretic
    parallel-distributed algorithms on research in mathematics.

    With 3 years of meetings, we are in a position to plan a volume
    based on the materials for the workshops and other contributions
    to be proposed to the NIPS Program Committee.


Information and Statistical Structure in Spike Trains

	Jonathon D. Victor

    Understanding how neurons represent and manipulate information in
    their spike trains is one of the major fundamental problems in
    neuroscience.  Moreover, advances towards its solution will rely
    on a combination of appropriate theoretical, computational, and
    experimental strategies.  Meaningful and reliable statistical
    analyses, including calculation of information and related
    quantities, are at the basis of understanding neural information
    processing. The accuracy and precision of statistical analyses and
    empirical information estimates depend strongly on the amount and
    quality of the data available, and on the assumptions that are
    made in order to apply the formalisms to a laboratory data
    set. These assumptions typically relate to the neural transduction
    itself (e.g., linearity or stationarity) and to the statistics of
    the spike trains (e.g., correlation structure). There are numerous
    approaches to conducting statistical analyses and estimating
    information-theoretic quantities, and there are also some major
    differences in findings across preparations. It is unclear to what
    extent these differences represent fundamental biological
    differences, differences in what is being measured, or
    methodological biases. Specific areas of focus will include:
    Theoretical and experimental approaches to analyze multineuronal
    spiking activity; Bursting, rhythms, and other endogenous
    patterns; Is "Poisson-like" a reasonable approximation to spike
    train stochastic structure?; How do we formulate alternative
    models to Poisson?; How do we evaluate model goodness-of-fit?

    A limited number of slots are available for contributed
    presentations.  Individuals interested in presenting a talk
    (approximately 20 minutes, with 10 to 20 minutes for discussion)
    should submit a title and abstract, 200-300 words, to the
    organizers, Jonathan D. Victor (jdvicto at and Emery
    Brown (brown at by October 12, 2001.


Workshop on New Directions in Kernel-Based Learning Methods

	Chris Williams, Craig Saunders, Matthias Seeger, John Shawe-Taylor

    The aim of the workshop is to present new perspectives and new
    directions in kernel methods for machine learning. Recent
    theoretical advances and experimental results have drawn
    considerable attention to the use of kernel functions in learning
    systems. Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Processes, kernel PCA,
    kernel Gram-Schmidt, Bayes Point Machines, Relevance and Leverage
    Vector Machines, are just some of the algorithms that make crucial
    use of kernels for problems of classification, regression, density
    estimation, novelty detection and clustering. At the same time as
    these algorithms have been under development, novel techniques
    specifically designed for kernel-based systems have resulted in
    methods for assessing generalisation, implementing model
    selection, and analysing performance. The choice of model may be
    simply determined by parameters of the kernel, as for example the
    width of a Gaussian kernel.  More recently, however, methods for
    designing and combining kernels have created a toolkit of options
    for choosing a kernel in a particular application. These methods
    have extended the applicability of the techniques beyond the
    natural Euclidean spaces to more general discrete structures.

    The workshop will provide a forum for discussing results and
    problems in any of the above mentioned areas.  But more
    importantly, by the structure of the workshop we hope to examine
    the future directions and new perpsectives that will keep the
    field lively and growing.

    We seek two types of contributions:

     1) Contributed 20 minutes talks that offer new directions
        (serving as a focal point for the general discussions)

     2) Posters of new ongoing work, with associated spotlight
	presentations (summarising current work and serving as a
	springboard for individual discussion).

    Important Dates:

     Submission of extended abstracts: 15th October 2001.
     Notification of acceptance: Early November.

     Submission Procedure: Extended abstracts in .ps or .pdf formats
     (only) should be e-mailed to nips-kernel-workshop at


Knowledge Representation In Meta-Learning

	Ricardo Vilalta

    Learning across multiple related tasks, or improving learning
    performance over time, requires knowledge be transferred across
    tasks. In many classification algorithms, successive applications
    of the algorithm over the same data always produces the same
    hypothesis; no knowledge is extracted across tasks. Knowledge
    across tasks can be used to construct meta-learners able to
    improve the quality of the inductive bias through experience. To
    attain this goal, different pieces of knowledge are needed. For
    example, how can we characterize those tasks that are most
    favorable to a particular classification algorithm? On the other
    hand, What forms of bias are most favorable for certain tasks? Are
    there invariant transformations inherent to a domain that can be
    captured when learning across tasks? The goal of the workshop is
    to discuss alternative ways of knowledge representation in
    meta-learning with the idea of achieving new forms of bias

    Important Dates: Paper submission: Nov 1, 2001.  Notification of
    acceptance: Nov 12, 2001.  Camera-ready copy: Nov 26, 2001.


Machine Learning Techniques for Bioinformatics

	Colin Campbell, Shayan Mukherjee

    There has been significant recent interest in the development of
    new methods for functional interpretation of gene expression data
    derived from cDNA microarrays and related technologies. Analysis
    frequently involves classification, regression, feature selection,
    outlier detection and cluster analysis, for example. To provide a
    focus, this topic be the main theme for this one-day Workshop,
    though contributions in related areas of bioinformatics are
    welcome. Contributed papers should ideally be in the area of new
    algorithmic or theoretical approaches to analysing such datasets
    as well as biologically interesting applications and validation of
    existing algorithms. To make sure the Workshop relates to issues
    of real importance to experimentalists there will be four invited
    tutorial talks to introduce microarray technology, illustrate
    particular case studies and discuss issues relevant to eventual
    clinical application. The invited speakers are Pablo Tamayo or
    Todd Golub (Whitehead Institute, MIT), Dan Notterman (Princeton
    University), Roger Bumgarner (University of Washington) and
    Richard Simon (National Cancer Institute). The invited speakers
    have been involved in the preparation of well-known datasets and
    studies of expression analysis for a variety of cancers. Authors
    wishing to contribute papers should submit a title and extended
    abstract to both organisers (C.Campbell at and
    sayan at before 14th October 2001.  Further details about
    this workshop and the final schedule are available from the
    workshop webpage.


Machine Learning Methods for Images and Text

	Thomas Hofmann, Jaz Kandola, Tomaso Poggio, John Shawe-Taylor

    The aim of the workshop is to present new perspectives and new
    directions in information extraction from structured and
    semi-structured data for machine learning.  The goal of this
    workshop is to investigate extensions of modern statistical
    learning techniques for applications in the domains of
    categorization and retrieval of information for example text,
    video and sound, as well as to their combination --
    multimedia. The focus will be on exploring innovative and
    potentially groundbreaking machine learning technologies as well
    as on identifying key challenges in information access, such as
    multi-class classification, partially labeled examples and the
    combination of evidence from separate multimedia domains. The
    workshop aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of
    international researchers from machine learning, information
    retrieval, computational linguistics, human-computer interaction,
    and digital libraries for discussing results and dissemination of
    ideas, with the objective of highlighting new research
    directions. The workshop will provide a forum for discussing
    results and problems in any of the above mentioned areas. But more
    importantly, by the structure of the workshop we hope to examine
    the future directions and new perpsectives that will keep the
    field lively and growing. We seek two types of contributions:

    1) Contributed 20 minutes talks that offer new directions (serving
       as a focal point for the general discussions)

    2) Posters of new ongoing work, with associated spotlight
       presentations (summarising current work and serving as a
       springboard for individual discussion).

    Important Dates: Submission of extended abstracts: 15th October
    2001.  Notification of acceptance: 2nd November 2001.

    Submission Procedure: Extended abstracts in .ps or .pdf formats
    (only) should be e-mailed to nips-text-workshop at by
    15th October 2001.  Extended abstracts should be 2-4 sides of A4.
    The higlighting of a confernce-style group for the paper is not
    necessary, however the indication of a group and/or keywords would
    be helpful.


Minimum Description Length: Developments in Theory and New Applications

	Peter Grunwald, In-Jae Myung, Mark Pitt

    Inductive inference, the process of inferring a general law from
    observed instances, is at the core of science. The Minimum
    Description Length (MDL) Principle, which was originally proposed
    by Jorma Rissanen in 1978 as a computable approximation of
    Kolmogorov complexity, is a powerful method for inductive
    inference. The MDL principle states that the best explanation
    (i.e., model) given a limited set of observed data is the one that
    permits the greatest compression of the data. That is, the more we
    are able to compress the data, the more we learn about the
    underlying regularities that generated the data. This
    conceptualization originated in algorithmic information theory
    from the notion that the existence of regularities underlying data
    necessarily implies redundancy in the information from successive
    observations. Since 1978, significant strides have been made in
    both the mathematics and application of MDL.  For example, MDL is
    now being applied in machine learning, statistical inference,
    model selection, and psychological modeling. The purpose of this
    workshop is to bring together researchers, both theorists and
    practitioners, to discuss the latest developments and share new
    ideas.  In doing so, our intent is to introduce to the broader
    NIPS community the current state of the art in the field.


Multi-sensory Perception & Learning

	J. Fisher, L. Shams, V. de Sa, M. Slaney, T. Darrell

    All perception is multi-sensory perception. Situations where animals
    are exposed to information from a single modality exist only in
    experimental settings in the laboratory. For a variety of reasons,
    research on perception has focused on processing within one sensory
    modality. Consequently, the state of knowledge about multi-sensory
    fusion in mammals is largely at the level of phenomenology, and the
    underlying mechanisms and principles are poorly understood. Recently,
    however, there has been a surge of interest in this topic, and this
    field is emerging as one of fast growing areas of research in

    Simultaneously and with the advent of low-cost, low-power
    multi-media sensors there has been renewed interest in automated
    multi-modal data processing. Whether it be in an intelligent room
    environment, heterogenous sensor array or the autonomous robot, robust
    integrated processing of multiple modalities has the potential to
    solve perception problems more efficiently by leveraging complementary
    sensor information.

    The goals of this workshop are to further the understanding of the
    both the cognitive mechanisms by which humans (and other animals)
    integrate multi-modal data as well as the means by which automated
    systems may similarly function. It is not our contention that one
    should follow the other. It is our contention, that researchers in
    these different communities stand to gain much through interaction
    with each other. This workshop aims to bring these researchers
    together to compare methods and performance and to develop a common
    understanding of the underlying principles which might be used to
    analyze both human and machine perception of multi-modal
    data. Discussions and presentations will span theory, application, as
    well as relevant aspects of animal/machine perception.

    The workshop will emphasize a moderated discussion format with
    short presentations prefacing each of the discussions.  Please
    see the web page for some of the specific questions to be addressed.


Neuroimaging: Tools, Methods & Modeling

	B. M. Bly, L. K. Hansen, S. J. Hanson, S. Makeig, S. Strother

    Advances in the mathematical description of neuroimaging data are
    currently a topic of great interest. Last June, at the 7th Annual
    Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in Brighton
    UK, the number of statistical modeling abstracts virtually
    exploded (30 abstracts were submitted on ICA alone.)  Because of
    its high relevance for researchers in statistical modeling it has
    been the topic of several NIPS workshops.  Neuroinformatics is an
    emerging research field, which besides a rich modeling activity
    also is concerned with database and datamining issues as well as
    ongoing discussions of data and model sharing. Several groups now
    distribute statistical modeling tools and advanced exploratory
    approaches are finding increasing use in neuroimaging labs. NIPS
    is a rich arena for multivariate and neural modeling, the
    intersection of Neuroimaging and neural models is important for
    both fields.

    This workshop will discuss the underlying methods and software
    tools related to a variety of strategies for modeling and
    inference in neuroimaging data analysis (Morning, Day 1.)
    Discussants will also present methods for comparison, evaluation,
    and meta-analysis in neuroimaging (Afternoon, Day 1.) On the
    second day of the workshop, we will continue the discussion with a
    focus on multivariate strategies (Morning, Day 2.)  The workshop
    will include a discussion of hemodynamic and neural models and
    their role in mathematical modeling of neuroimaging data
    (Afternoon, Day 2). Each session of the two-day workshop will
    include discussion.  Talks are intended to last roughly 20 minutes
    each, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. At the end of each
    day, there will be a discussion of themes by all participants,
    with the presenters acting as a panel.


Foundations of Occam's razor and parsimony in learning

	David G. Stork

    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem"
		  -- William of Occam (1285?-1349?)

    Occam's razor is generally interpreted as counselling the use of
    "simpler" models rather than complex ones, fewer parameters rather
    than more, and "smoother" generalizers rather than those that are
    less smooth. The mathematical descendents of this philosophical
    principle of parsimony appear in minimum-description-length,
    Akaike, Kolmogorov complexity and related principles, having
    numerous manifestations in learning, for instance regularization,
    pruning, and overfitting avoidance.  For a given quality of fit to
    the training data, in the absence of other information should we
    favor "simpler" models, and if so, why? How do we measure
    simplicity, and which representation should we use when doing so?
    What assumptions are made -- explicitly or implicitly -- by these
    methods and when are such assumptions valid? What are the minimum
    assumptions or conditions -- for instance that by increasing the
    amount of training data we will improve a classifier's performance
    -- that yield Occam's razor? Support Vector Machines and some
    neural networks contain a very large number of free parameters,
    more than might be permitted by the size of the training data and
    in seeming contradiction to Occam's razor; nevertheless, such
    classifiers can work exceedingly well. Why? Bayesian techniques
    such as ML-II reduce a classifier's complexity in a data-dependent
    way. Does this comport with Occam's razor? Can we characterize
    problems for which Occam's razor should or should not apply? Even
    if we abandon the search for the "true" model that generated the
    training data, can Occam's razor improve our chances of finding a
    "useful" model?

    It has been said that Occam's razor is either profound and true,
    or vacuous and false -- it just isn't clear which.  Rather than
    address specific implementation techniques or applications, the
    goal of this workshop is to shed light on, and if possible
    resolve, the theoretical questions associated with Occam's razor,
    some of the deepest in the intellectual foundations of machine
    learning and pattern recognition.


Quantum Neural Computing

	Elizabeth Behrman


Variable and Feature Selection

	Isabelle Guyon, David Lewis

    Variable selection has recently received a lot of attention from
    the machine learning and neural network community because of its
    applications in genomics and text processing. Variable selection
    refers to the problem of selecting input variables that are most
    predictive of a given outcome. Variable selection problems are
    found in all machine learning tasks, supervised or unsupervised
    (clustering), classification, regression, time series prediction,
    two-class or multi-class, posing various levels of challenges. The
    objective of variable selection is two-fold: improving the
    prediction performance of the predictors and providing a better
    understanding of the underlying process that generated the
    data. This last problem is particularly important in biology when
    the process may be a living organism and the variables gene
    expression coefficient. One of the goals of the workshop is to
    explore alternate statements of the problem, including: (i)
    discovering all the variables relevant to the concept (e.g. to
    identify all candidate drug targets) (ii) finding a minimum subset
    of variables that are useful to the predictor (e.g. to identify
    the best biomarkers for diagnosis or prognosis). The workshop will
    also be a forum to compare the best existing algorithms and to
    discuss the organization of a potential competition on variable
    selection for a future workshop. Prospective participants are
    invited to submit one or two pages of summary. Theory, algorithm,
    and application contributions are welcome. After the workshop, the
    participants will be offered the possibility of submitting a full
    paper to a special issue of the Journal of Machine Learning
    Research on variable selection. Deadline for submission: October
    15, 2001. Email submissions to: Isabelle Guyon at
    isabelle at


New Methods for Preference Elicitation

	Craig Boutilier, Holger Hoos, David Poole (chair), Qiang Yang

    As intelligent agents become more and more adept at making (or
    recommending) decisions for users in various domains, the need for
    effective methods for the representation, elicitation, and
    discovery of preference and utility functions becomes more
    pressing.  Deciding on the best course of action for a user
    depends critically on that user's preferences. While there has
    been much work on representing and learning models of the world
    (e.g., system dynamics), there has been comparatively little
    similar research with respect to preferences. The need to reason
    about preferences arises in electronic commerce, collaborative
    filtering, user interface design, task-oriented mobile robotics,
    reinforcement learning, and many others. Many areas of research
    bring interesting tools to the table that can be used to tackle
    these issues: machine learning (classification, reinforcement
    learning), decision theory and control theory (Markov decision
    processes, filtering techniques), Bayesian networks and
    probabilistic inferences, economics and game theory, among
    others. The aim of this workshop is to bring together a diverse
    group of researchers to discuss the both the practical and
    theoretical problems associated with effective preference
    elicitation and to highlight avenues for future research.

    The deadline for extended abstracts and statements of interest is
    October 19.

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