Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuromimetic Olfatory SEnsing

Dominique Martinez Dominique.Martinez at
Tue Mar 13 12:01:32 EST 2001

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Neuromimetic Olfatory SEnsing (NOSE).

A one year and a half postdoctoral fellowship is available immediately
within the cooperative research project NOSE from INRIA.  The first
objective of this project will be to develop biologically inspired spiking
neural network models of olfactory perception. The second objective will
be to apply these models in an autonomous robot so as to mimic the animal
behavior of tracking specific odours.  The postdoctoral fellow will join
the CORTEX group at LORIA-INRIA in Nancy, France.  For further information
see or contact

Dominique Martinez
Campus Scientifique - BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy
E-mail: dmartine at
Phone:  (+33) 3-83-59-30-72
Fax:    (+33) 3-83-41-30-79

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