DYNAMICAL NEUROSCIENCE IX: Timing, Persistence and Feedback Control

Dennis Glanzman glanzman at helix.nih.gov
Wed Jul 18 13:32:09 EDT 2001

Satellite Symposium at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting

Timing, Persistence and Feedback Control

San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, California

Friday and Saturday, November 9-10, 2001

FEEDBACK is an inherent feature of all systems that adapt to their internal 
and external environments.  In this year's meeting we will explore the
convergence of theoretical work and experimental data on neuronal 
computations that highlight the feedback requirement for the systematic 
operation of the nervous system.  This will be covered at the level of both 
transient and steady-state phenomena.  Invited speakers will discuss how 
feedback (along with other control mechanisms) regulates the temporal 
processing of auditory and somatosensory information, plasticity, learning, 
and the balance of feedback controls that underlie the formation of 
receptive fields.  Further topics will include the control of neuronal 
dynamics involved with sensorimotor  tasks, such as the stabilization of 
eye and head position, and the temporal pattern of exploratory whisking in 
rat. The work presented at this year's  meeting will center on the theme of 
how abstract analytical models can be used in focusing the direction of new 

Organizers:  Dennis Glanzman, NIMH, NIH; David Kleinfeld, UCSD; Sebastian 
Seung, MIT; and Misha Tsodyks, Weizmann Institute.

Invited Speakers:  Ehud Ahissar, Margaret Livingstone, Cynthia Moss, Israel 
Nelken, Alexa Riehle, Robert Shapley, Patricia Sharp, Haim Sompolinsky,
David Tank, Ofer Tchernichovski, and Kechen Zhang.

Keynote Address:  Bard Ermentrout

Register for the 
Symposium      https://secure.laser.net/cmpinc_net/neuro/register.html

Submit a Poster                 http://www.cmpinc.net/dynamical/poster.html

Meeting Agenda (pdf format)     http://www.nimh.nih.gov/diva/sn2001/agenda.pdf

For Further Information:  about registration and other logistics, please 
contact Matt Burdetsky, Capital Meeting Planning, phone 703-536-4993, fax 
703-536-4991, E-mail:  matt at cmpinc.net.  For information about the 
technical content of the meeting, please contact Dr. Dennis L. Glanzman, 
National Institute of Mental Health, NIH. Telephone 301-443-1576, Fax 
301-443-4822, E-mail:glanzman at helix.nih.gov.

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