NEURON course at SFN 2001 meeting

Ted Carnevale ted.carnevale at
Fri Aug 3 12:07:49 EDT 2001

Short Course Announcement


Satellite Symposium, Society for Neuroscience Meeting

9 AM - 5 PM on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2001

Speakers: N.T. Carnevale, M.L. Hines, 
          J.W. Moore, and G.M. Shepherd

This 1 day course with lectures and live demonstrations will 
present information essential for teaching and research 
applications of NEURON, an advanced simulation environment 
that handles realistic models of biophysical mechanisms,
individual neurons, and networks of cells.  The emphasis is 
on practical issues that are key to the most productive use 
of this powerful and convenient modeling tool.

Features that will be covered include:
  constructing and managing models with the 
    CellBuilder, Network Builder, 
    and Linear Circuit Builder
  importing detailed morphometric data
  using the Multiple Run Fitter to optimize models 
    with high-dimensional parameter spaces
  database resources for empirically-based modeling

Each registrant will a comprehensive set of notes which 
include material that has not appeared elsewhere in print.

For more information see the course's WWW pages at


Supported in part by the National Science Foundation.
Opinions expressed are those of the authors 
and not necessarily those of the Foundation.

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