PostDoc and PhD student positions

Wulfram Gerstner Wulfram.Gerstner at
Thu Dec 14 12:15:18 EST 2000

The Neural Computation Group at the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
is expanding its activities and looking
for several PhD-students and PostDocs
in the area of Computational Neuroscience/Neural Computation.

In particular,  we seek  to strengthen activities
on problems such as

- Neural coding with spiking neurons

- Spike-time dependent plasticity

- Reinforcement learning and biological models of conditioning

- Hippocampal models of spatial representation

- Validating biological models with Khepera robots

- Models of vision (e.g. saccades, attention, motion)

- Implications of Machine Learning concepts for biological information processing

For further details on current activities, see

Applicants should have a strong background
in mathematical modeling, a keen  interest in questions of
neuroscience, and the capacity to  relate model results to experimental data.
 Collaborations  with  experimental groups exist
and will be further developped.
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
is the sister institution of the ETH Zurich
and offers excellent working conditions.

Lausanne is located on the shores of the lake of Geneva
with beautiful surroundings for hiking, climbing,
skiing and water sports. The city of
Lausanne has the flair of an old university town with lots of  theaters,
music and other cultural activities. Geneva is only 35 minutes by train.
Berne 1 hour, Zurich 2  and a half hours,  Paris 3 and a half hours.

Applications should include CV, list of publications,
names of at least two references, and a one-page
statement of  research interests.

starting date: between January and October 2001

Please send applications to:
Wulfram Gerstner
Center for Neuromimetic Systems
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Computer Science Department, EPFL-DI
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

If you want to send the applications by email,
please mark clearly - application - in the subject line
and send to wulfram.gerstner at

Wulfram Gerstner        Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Assistant Professor     Centre for Neuro-mimetic Systems, Mantra
                        Computer Science Department, EPFL, IN-J, 032
                        1015 Lausanne EPFL
Tel. +41-21-693 6713       wulfram.gerstner at
Fax. +41-21-693 5263

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