Faculty Positions Available At Duke University

Mike West mw at stat.Duke.EDU
Thu Sep 30 10:40:35 EDT 1999

Dear Colleague
 I would appreciate your assistance in bringing the vacancies below to
 the attention of potential candidates, and in forwarding the ad to 
 your departmental colleagues. Thanks.
Mike W
 Mike West
 Arts & Sciences Professor of Statistics & Decision Sciences
 Director, Institute of Statistics & Decision Sciences 
           Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0251. USA
 tel/fax: (919) 684-8842/8594       http://www.stat.duke.edu 

 	     Institute of Statistics & Decision Sciences 
		           DUKE UNIVERSITY

Duke University has openings for tenured and tenure-track faculty, to begin 
in Fall 2000. We invite applications and nominations for the positions 
detailed below. 

 (a) Full professor in the Institute of Statistics and Decision 
     Sciences (ISDS), and  

 (b) Assistant professor in Biostatistics in the School of Medicine, 
     with a joint appointment in ISDS.

Suitable applicants for appointment as tenured Professor of Statistics
and Decision Sciences will be recognised research leaders in statistics. 
We are particularly interested in hearing from potential applicants in 
Bayesian statistics and related areas, and with disciplinary interests 
in biomedical applications. In collaboration with other departments at 
Duke, ISDS is developing a range of activities in statistical genetics 
and bioinformatics more broadly, and so particularly encourages applicants 
whose applied interests relate to these areas. Applications and nominations
should be sent to Mike West, Director, ISDS, Duke University, Durham 
NC 27708-0251. Applications received by January 15th 2000 will be guaranteed 
full consideration.

Appointment at the assistant professor level will be tenure track in the 
Division of Biometry in the School of Medicine, with a secondary 
appointment in ISDS. The appointee will work on cancer-related research
projects and cancer clinical trials in the Biostatistics Unit of the
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, and will have teaching and research
roles in both ISDS and Biometry. A suitable applicant will hold a PhD
in statistics or biostatistics, and have evident potential for excellence 
in research in biomedical statistics and quality teaching. Some background 
in areas involving collaborative medical research, clinical trials and 
interactions with medical research investigators will be beneficial. 
Applicants should mail cv and letter of application, and arrange for 
three letters of reference to be sent to, the Faculty Search Committee, 
Box 3958, Duke University  Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. Applications 
received by January 15th 2000 will be guaranteed full consideration.

Additional appointments in biostatistics, including non-tenure/research track 
positions, may be available. 

Applications from suitably qualified women and minority candidates, for
each of the above positions, are particularly encouraged. Duke University 
is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 

        Further information is available at the ISDS web site: 


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