More EEG data available

Lester Ingber ingber at
Thu Oct 14 19:34:44 EDT 1999

Since my previous announcement below, I was contacted by Padhraic
Smyth who invited my to upload this data to the KDD Archive
[] hosted by the Department of Information and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine.

Working with the Librarian of this archive, Stephen Bay, I uploaded the
full data set.  Access is available via


: I have had several requests for EEG data since I had to remove access
: from a large dataset I used for some of my studies, due to a disk crash
: at an archive at U Oregon.
: I am making a small dataset (4 MB) and two larger datasets (40 MB
: each) available at my Caltech archive.  I do not know for how long I
: will be able to keep the larger datasets available.  I cannot keep the
: largest dataset (700 MB) available there and do not plan on uploading
: it anyplace else. All files sizes are in .gz-compressed formats.  See
: I hope you find this data useful for your own studies.

 Lester Ingber   <ingber at>
 PO Box 06440    Wacker Dr PO Sears Tower    Chicago IL  60606-0440
 <ingber at>

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