Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference ANNIE'99

Cihan Dagli dagli at
Sat Oct 9 15:31:33 EDT 1999

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of the organizing committee I would like to invite you to attend
ANNIE 1999, an international conference to be held on November 7-10, 1999,
at Marriott's Pavilion Hotel in downtown, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.  This
will be the ninth international gathering of researchers interested in Smart
Engineering System Design using neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary
programming, data mining, and complex systems. The previous conferences each
drew approximately 150 papers from twenty countries with their proceedings
published by ASME Press as hardbound books in eight volumes. The last
volume, edited by Dagli, et. al., was titled ``Smart Engineering Systems:
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining, and
Rough Sets.''

Enclosed Please find the preliminary program for the conference. You can get
the latest information about the conference at and for the details of advanced
registration to the conference at .

The conference will cover the theory of Smart Engineering System Design
techniques, namely; neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary programming,
data mining, and complex systems. Presentations dealing with applications of
these technologies are encouraged in the areas of: manufacturing
engineering, biology and medicine, pattern recognition, image processing,
process monitoring, control, recent theoretical developments in neural
networks, fuzzy logic, data mining, rough sets, evolutionary programming,
fractals, chaos, and wavelets that can impact Smart Engineering System

The response to ANNIE '99 was excellent with 310 abstracts received.  Papers
submitted based on these abstracts were reviewed by two referees and all
accepted papers are included in the conference proceedings to be published
by ASME Press as a hardbound book titled Smart Engineering System Design:
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Programming, Data Mining and
Complex Systems, edited by Drs. Dagli, Buczak, Ghosh, Embrechts and Ersoy.

 Conference banquet and the presentation of Best Paper awards are scheduled
on Tuesday evening.  Our Banquet Plenary Speaker for this year's ANNIE is
University Professor Simon Haykin.  He is the director of Neurocomputation
for Signal Processing Group at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada.  His banquet talk is titled "Neural Networks for Signal Processing."

There are nine plenary sessions scheduled for ANNIE '99.  Dr. Walter Freeman
will present "The Neurodynamics of Intentionality is the Basis of
Intelligent Behavior" at the Monday morning plenary session.  At noon on
Monday, Dr. Hojjat Adeli will present "Distributed and Neurocomputing for
Large-Scale Engineering Design Automation."  Monday afternoon Dr. Bhavani
Thuraisingham will present " Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery:
Developments and Challenges".  In Tuesday plenary session, " Evolvable
Hardware" will be presented by Dr. Adrian Stoica.  Tuesday's luncheon
plenary "Intangled Behavior and Bizarre Systems" will be presented by Dr.
Steve Kercel. The Tuesday afternoon plenary will be "Neural Mechanics of the
Cerebellum and Its Application" presented by Dr. Witali Dunin-Barkowski.
Dr. Kristin Bennett will present "Support Vector Machines:  An Overview and
New Extensions" for the Wednesday morning plenary.  The luncheon plenary "
Searching the Web-it's worse than you think!" will be presented by Dr. Lee
Giles.  The Wednesday afternoon plenary will be "Neural Networks for
Analysis of Data with Gaps" presented by Dr. Alexander Gorban.

Half-day tutorials have been scheduled for Sunday, November 7th. These
state-of-the-art workshops cover the following areas:

Collective Intelligence


Data Mining: Technologies, Tools and Trends

Hybrid Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques and Fractal

Computer Vision and Fuzzy-Neural Network Models

Classifiers Ensembles:  how and why they work

Interior Point Optimization Methods in Support Vector Machines Training

Novel Applications of Neural Network, Signal Processing and Data Mining

An Introduction to Evolutionary Engineering

Pattern Recognition Applications Development: The Process

I would like to thank members of the Organizing Committee, Sponsoring
Organization, and Co-Chairs, Drs. Buczak, Ghosh, Embrechts and Ersoy, for
putting together an excellent program for ANNIE '99. I would like to
recognize the excellent and timely efforts of the referees and contributors
that made the conference possible.

We are looking forward to your visit and participation at the meeting.


Cihan H. Dagli
Conference Chairman

Smart Engineering Systems Laboratory
229  Engineering Management
1870 Miner Circle
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla MO 65409-0370
Phone: 573 341-4374
Fax:   573 341-6567


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