research fellowship (vision / neural computation; UK)

Shimon Edelman shimone at
Wed Jan 6 09:04:01 EST 1999

  Research Fellowship -- Visual Object Representation and Categorization
               School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
                          University of Sussex

Applications are invited for a 2-year EPSRC-funded research fellowship
(salary scale 15,735 to 23,651 GBP p/a), starting as soon as possible,
and in any case not later than April 1st, 1999.  The successful
applicant will join an interdisciplinary research group within the
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, and will work on the
development of computer algorithms for representation, recognition and
categorization of visual objects and scenes.

Candidates should have a PhD degree in Computer Science or equivalent,
and should be familiar with issues and modeling techniques in neural
computation and computational neuroscience. Relevant research
experience and proficiency with rapid prototyping programming
environments such as Matlab will be advantageous. Send full CV and
letter of application to Professor Shimon Edelman, COGS, University of
Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QH, England, by 30th January (informal
enquiries may be directed to shimone at

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