positions in CNS

Klaus Obermayer oby at cs.tu-berlin.de
Wed Apr 21 09:25:50 EDT 1999

Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Positions in
Computational Neuroscience

Neural Information Processing Group, Department of Computer Science,
Technical University of Berlin, Germany

One postdoctoral and one graduate student fellowship are available for
candidates, who are interested to work on computational models of primary
visual cortex. The successful candidates may choose between the following

- Dynamics of cortical circuits including the role of steppy connections
  and fast synaptic plasticity.
- Representation of information in the visual cortex.
- Development of neural circuits and the functional organization of visual
  cortex (cortical maps).

The candidates are expected to join an ongoing collaboration with
experimental neurobiologists in the group of Jennifer Lund (Institute of
Ophthalmology, University College London) Positions will start in summer /
fall 1999. The postdoctoral position will be initially for one year, but
an extension is possible.

The CS department of the Technical University of Berlin approves students
with foreign Masters or Diplom degrees for graduate study when certain
standards w.r.t. the subject, grades, and the awarding institution are met.
The university also allows for a thesis defense in the English language.

Interested candidates please send their CV, transcripts of their
certificates, a short statement of their research interest, and a list of
publications to:

Prof. Klaus Obermayer
FR2-1, NI, Informatik, Technische Universitaet Berlin
Franklinstrasse 28/29, 10587 Berlin, Germany
phone: ++49-30-314-73120, fax: -73121, email: oby at cs.tu-berlin.de

prefereably by email.

For a list of relevant publications and an overview of current research
projects please refer to our web-page at:




Prof. Dr. Klaus Obermayer         phone:  49-30-314-73442
FR2-1, NI, Informatik                     49-30-314-73120
Technische Universitaet Berlin    fax:    49-30-314-73121
Franklinstrasse 28/29             e-mail: oby at cs.tu-berlin.de
10587 Berlin, Germany             http://ni.cs.tu-berlin.de/

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