Ph.D. position Eddy.Mayoraz at
Fri Sep 25 12:06:44 EDT 1998

******** Uni-Lausanne & IDIAP-Martigny (Switzerland) *******

         PhD student position

We are seeking one outstanding  PhD candidate for an exciting research project,
the aim  of which  is the study  and the  adaptation of recent  developments in
machine learning (neural networks, mixture of experts, support vector machines)
for the resolution of some specific geostatistical tasks.

While  classical geostatistics deals  with spatial  interpolations, one  of the
focuses of this project is to predict,  not only a single expected value of the
observable in an arbitrary location, but also a probability distribution.  This
allows, among other  things, the computation of risk  estimates for being above
some  threshold, which  is critical,  for example,  in applications  related to
pollution.  Another objective of this project is to understand the correlations
between  several spatial  observables and  their exploitation  for  an improved
conditional estimate of one observable given the others.

This is  a joint project  with the Group  of Geostatistics at the  Institute of
Mineralogy and  Petrography, University of  Lausanne, and the  Machine Learning
Group of IDIAP -- Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence at Martigny,
both in Switzerland.

The position is available as soon  as possible and for two years, renewable for
two more  years. Highly  qualified candidates are  sought with a  background in
computational  sciences,  statistics, mathematics,  physics  or other  relevant
areas.  Applicants should submit :  (i) Detailed curriculum vitae, (ii) List of
three references (and their email addresses), (ii) Transcripts of undergraduate
and  graduate (if  applicable) studies  and  (iii) Concise  statement of  their
research interests (two pages max). Please send all documents to:

Prof. Michel Maignan                                Michel.Maignan at
Institute for Mineralogy and Petrography
Earth Sciences
University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland


Dr. Eddy Mayoraz                                         Eddy.Mayoraz at
CP 592
1920 Martigny, Switzerland

Electronic applications (with WWW pointers to studies or papers, if available)
are encouraged.

Michel Maignan & Eddy Mayoraz

    /  _ \   /  _ \   _ \   Dr. Eddy Mayoraz, research director of the ML group
   /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /   IDIAP,  P.O. Box 592, CH-1920 Martigny, Switzerland
  /  /  /  /  _  /  ___/    voice: +41 27 721 77 29(11),  fax: +41 27 721 77 12
_/  ___/ _/ _/ _/ _/        Eddy.Mayoraz at,

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