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Jonathan Baxter Jon.Baxter at
Mon Nov 9 17:29:03 EST 1998

*********************** NIPS*98 FINAL PROGRAM **********************

My apologies if you receive this notice more than once.

Jonathan Baxter



18:00-22:00	Registration


08:30-18:00	Registration

09:30-17:30	Tutorials

18:30		Reception and Conference Banquet

20:30		The laws of the WEB (Banquet talk)
		B. Huberman
		Xerox PARC


		Oral Session 1:

08:30		Statistics of visual images: neural representation and synthesis
		E. Simoncelli
		New York University 

09:20		Attentional modulation of human pattern discrimination 
		psychophysics reproduced by a quantitative model
		(VS1, Oral)
		L. Itti, J. Braun, D. Lee, C. Koch
		California Institute of Technology

09:40		Orientation, scale, and discontinuity as emergent 
		properties of illusory contour shape
		(VS2, Oral) 
		K. Thornber, L. Williams
		NEC Research Institute, University of New Mexico

10:00		DTs: dynamic trees 
		(AA1, Spotlight)
	 	C. Williams, N. Adams
		Aston University

		Modeling stationary and integrated time series with 
		autoregressive neural networks
		(LT1, Spotlight)
		F. Leisch, A. Trapletti, K. Hornik
		Technical University of Vienna

		Analog neural nets with Gaussian or other common noise 
		distributions cannot recognize arbitrary regular languages
		(LT2, Spotlight)
		W. Maass, E. Sontag
		Technical University of Graz, Rutgers University

		Semiparametric support vector and linear programming machines 
		(AA8, Spotlight)
		A. Smola, T. Friess, B. Schoelkopf

		Blind separation of filtered source using state-space approach 
		(AA13, Spotlight)
		L. Zhang, A. Cichocki
		RIKEN Brain Science Institute

10:15-11:00	Break

		Oral Session 2:

11:00		The bias-variance tradeoff and the randomized GACV
		(AA4, Oral)
		G. Wahba, X. Lin, F. Gao, D. Xiang, R. Klein, B. Klein
		University of Wisconsin-Madison, SAS Institute 

11:20		Kernel PCA and de-noising in feature spaces 
		(AA7, Oral)
		S. Mika, B. Schoelkopf, A. Smola, K. Mueller, M Scholz, G. Raetsch

11:40		Sparse code shrinkage: denoising by maximum likelihood estimation
		(AA12, Oral) 
		A. Hyvaarinen, P. Hoyer, E. Oja
		Helsinki University of Technology

12:00-14:00	Lunch

		Oral Session 3:

14:00		Temporally asymmetric Hebbian learning, spike timing 
		and neuronal response variability
		L. Abbott 
		Brandeis University

14:50		Information maximization in single neurons
		(NS1, Oral)
		M. Stemmler, C. Koch
		California Institute of Technology

15:10		Multi-electrode spike sorting by clustering transfer functions
		(NS2, Oral)
		D. Rinberg, H. Davidowitz, N. Tishby
		NEC Research Institute

15:30		Distributional population codes and multiple motion models
		(NS3, Spotlight)
		R. Zemel, P. Dayan
		University of Arizona, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Population coding with correlated noise
		(NS4, Spotlight)
		H. Yoon, H. Sompolinsky
		Hebrew University

		Bayesian modeling of human concept learning 
		(CS1, Spotlight)
		J. Tenenbaum
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Mechanisms of generalization in perceptual learning
		(CS2, Spotlight)
		Z. Liu, D. Weinshall
		NEC Research Institute, Hebrew University

		An entropic estimator for structure discovery
		(SP1, Spotlight)
		M. Brand 
		Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory

15:45-16:15	Break

		Oral Session 4:

16:15		The role of lateral cortical competition in ocular 
		dominance development 
		(NS6, Oral)
		C. Piepenbrock, K. Obermayer
		Technical University of Berlin

16:35		Evidence for learning of a forward dynamic model in 
		human adaptive control
		(CS3, Oral)
		N. Bhushan, R. Shadmehr
		Johns Hopkins University

16:55-18:00	Poster Preview

19:30		Poster Session


		Oral Session 5:

08:30		Computation by Cortical Modules 
		H. Sompolinsky
		Hebrew University 
09:20		Learning curves for Gaussian processes 
		(LT14, Oral) 
		P. Sollich 
		University of Edinburgh 

9:40		Mean field methods for classification with Gaussian processes 
		(LT15, Oral) 
		M. Opper O. Winther
		Aston University, Niels Bohr Institute

10:00		Dynamics of supervised learning with restricted training sets 
		(LT16, Spotlight)
		A. Coolen, D. Saad
		King's College London, Aston University

		Finite-dimensional approximation of Gaussian processes
		(LT18, Spotlight)
		G. Trecate, C. Williams, M. Opper
		University of Pavia, Aston University

		Inference in multilayer networks via large deviation bounds
		(LT20, Spotlight)
		M. Kearns, L. Saul 
		AT&T Labs

		Gradient descent for general reinforcement learning
		(CN14, Spotlight)
		L. Baird, A. Moore
		Carnegie Mellon University

		Risk sensitive reinforcement learning
		(CN15, Spotlight)
		R. Neuneier, O. Mihatsch
		Siemens AG 

10:15-11:00	Break

		Oral Session 6:

11:00 		VLSI implementation of motion centroid localization for 
		autonomous navigation
		(IM6, Oral)
		R. Etienne-Cummings, M. Ghani, V. Gruev
		Southern Illinois University

11:20		Improved switching among temporally abstract actions
		(CN16, Oral)
		R. Sutton, S. Singh, D. Precup, B. Ravindran
		University of Massachusetts, University of Colorado

11:40		Finite-sample convergence rates for Q-learning and 
		indirect algorithms
		(CN17, Oral) 
		M. Kearns, S. Singh
		AT&T Labs, University of Colorado

12:00-14:00	Lunch

		Oral Session 7:

14:00		Statistical natural language processing: better living 
		through floating-point numbers
		E. Charniak
		Brown University 

14:50		Markov processes on curves for automatic speech recognition
		(SP3, Oral)
		L. Saul, M. Rahim
		AT&T Labs

15:10		Approximate learning of dynamic models
		(AA22, Oral)
		X. Boyen, D. Koller
		Stanford University

15:30		Learning nonlinear stochastic dynamics using the 
		generalized EM algorithm
		(AA23, Spotlight)
		Z. Ghahramani, S. Roweis
		University of Toronto, California Institute of Technology

		Reinforcement learning for trading systems
		(AP9, Spotlight)
		J. Moody, M. Saffell
		Oregon Graduate Institute

		Bayesian modeling of facial similarity
		(AP13, Spotlight)
		B. Moghaddam, T. Jebara, A. Pentland 
		Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory, 
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

		Computation of smooth optical flow in a feedback 
		connected analog network
		(IM8, Spotlight)
		A. Stocker, R. Douglas
		University and ETH Zurich

		Classification on pairwise proximity data
		(AA26, spotlight)
		T. Graepel, R. Herbrich, P. Bollmann-Sdorra, K. Obermayer
		Technical University of Berlin

15:45-16:15	Break

		Oral Session 8:

16:15		Learning from dyadic data
		(AA27, Oral)
		T. Hofmann, J. Puzicha, M. Jordan
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Bonn

16:35		Classification in non-metric spaces 
		(VS7, Oral)
		D. Weinshall, D. Jacobs, Y. Gdalyahu
		NEC Research Institute, Hebrew University 

16:55-18:00	Poster Preview

19:30		Poster Session


		Oral Session 9:

08:30		Convergence of the wake-sleep algorithm
		(LT22, Oral)
		S. Ikeda, S. Amari, H. Nakahara
		RIKEN Brain Science Institute

08:50		Learning a continuous hidden variable model for binary data
		(AA32, Oral)
		D. Lee, H. Sompolinsky
		Bell Laboratories, Hebrew University

09:10		Direct optimization of margins improves generalization 
		in combined classifiers
		(LT23, Oral)
		L. Mason, P. Bartlett, J. Baxter
		Australian National University

09:30		A polygonal line algorithm for constructing principal curves
		(AA39, Oral)
		B. Kegl, A. Krzyzak, T. Linder, K. Zeger
		Concordia University, Queen's University, UC San Diego

09:50-10:30	Break

		Oral Session 10:

10:30		Graphical models for recognizing human interactions
		(AP15, Oral)
		N. Oliver, B. Rosario, A. Pentland
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10:50		Fast neural network emulation of physics-based models 
		for computer animation
		(AP16, Oral)
		R. Grzeszczuk, D. Terzopoulos, G. Hinton
		Intel Corporation, University of Toronto

11:10		Things that think 
		N. Gershenfeld
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

12:00		End of main conference 


		Basis selection for wavelet regression
		(AA2, Poster)
		K. Wheeler
		NASA Ames Research Center

		Boxlets: a fast convolution algorithm for signal processing
		and neural networks
		(AA3, Poster)
		P. Simard, L. Bottou, P. Haffner, Y. LeCun
		AT&T Labs

		Least absolute shrinkage is equivalent to quadratic penalization
		(AA5, Poster)
		Y. Grandvalet, S. Canu
		Universite de Technologie de Compiegne

		Neural networks for density estimation
		(AA6, Poster)
		M. Magdon-Ismail, A. Atiya
		California Institute of Technology

		Semi-supervised support vector machines
		(AA9, Poster)
		K. Bennett, A. Demiriz
		Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

		Exploiting generative models in discriminative classifiers
		(AA10, Poster)
		T. Jaakkola, D. Haussler
		UC Santa Cruz

		Using analytic QP and sparseness to speed training of support
		vector machines
		(AA11, Poster)
		J. Platt
		Microsoft Research

		Source separation as a by-product of regularization
		(AA14, Poster)
		S. Hochreiter, J. Schmidhuber
		Technical University of Munich, IDSIA

		Unsupervised classification with non-Gaussian mixture
		models using ICA
		(AA15, Poster)
		T-W. Lee, M. Lewicki, T. Sejnowski
		The Salk Institute

		Hierarchical ICA belief networks
		(AA16, Poster)
		H. Attias
		UC San Francisco

		Efficient Bayesian parameter estimation in large discrete domains
		(AA17, Poster)
		N. Friedman, Y. Singer
		UC Berkeley, AT&T Labs

		Discovering hidden features with Gaussian processes regression
		(AA18, Poster)
		F. Vivarelli, C. Williams
		Aston University

		Bayesian PCA
		(AA19, Poster)
		C. Bishop
		Microsoft Research

		Replicator equations, maximal cliques, and graph isomorphism
		(AA20, Poster)
		M. Pelillo
		University of Venice

		Convergence rates of algorithms for perceptual organization:
		detecting visual contours
		(AA21, Poster)
		A. Yuille, J. Coughlan
		Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

		Independent component analysis of intracellular calcium spike data
		(AP1, Poster)
		K. Prank, J.Boerger, A. von zur Muehlen, G. Brabant, C. Schoefl
		Medical School Hannover

		Applications of multi-resolution neural networks to mammography
		(AP2, Poster)
		P. Sajda, C. Spence
		Sarnoff Corporation

		Making templates rotationally invariant: an application to
		rotated digit recognition
		(AP3, Poster)
		S. Baluja
		Carnegie Mellon University

		Graph matching for shape retrieval
		(AP4, Poster)
		B. Huet, A. Cross, E. Hancock
		University of York

		Vertex identification in high energy physics experiments
		(AP5, Poster)
		G. Dror, H. Abramowicz, D. Horn
		The Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo, Tel-Aviv University

		Familiarity discrimination of radar pulses
		(AP6, Poster)
		E. Granger, S. Grossberg, M. Rubin, W. Streilein
		Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Boston University

		Robot docking using mixtures of Gaussians
		(AP7, Poster)
		M. Williamson, R. Murray-Smith, V. Hansen
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technical University
		of Denmark, Daimler-Benz

		Call-based fraud detection in mobile communication networks using
		a hierarchical regime-switching model
		(AP8, Poster)
		J. Hollmen, V. Tresp
		Helsinki University of Technology, Siemens AG

		Multiple paired forward-inverse models for human motor learning
		and control
		(CS4, Poster)
		M. Haruno, D. Wolpert, M. Kawato
		ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories,
		University College London

		A neuromorphic monaural sound localizer
		(IM1, Poster)
		J. Harris, C-J. Pu, J. Principe
		University of Florida

		Active noise canceling using analog neuro-chip with on-chip
		learning capability
		(IM2, Poster)
		J-W. Cho, S-Y. Lee
		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

		Optimizing correlation algorithms for hardware-based
		transient classification
		(IM3, Poster)
		R. Edwards, G. Cauwenberghs, F. Pineda
		Johns Hopkins University

		A high performance k-NN classifier using a binary correlation
		matrix memory
		(IM4, Poster)
		P. Zhou, J. Austin, J. Kennedy
		University of York

		A micropower CMOS adaptive amplitude and shift invariant
		vector quantizer
		(IM5, Poster)
		R. Coggins, R. Wang, M. Jabri
		University of Sidney

		Where does the population vector of motor cortical cells point
		during reaching movements?
		(NS5, Poster)
		P. Baraduc, E. Guigon, Y. Burnod
		Universite Pierre et Marie Curie

		Heeger's normalization, line attractor network and ideal observers
		(NS7, Poster)
		S. Deneve, A. Pouget, P. Latham
		Georgetown University

		Image statistics and cortical normalization models
		(NS8, Poster)
		E. Simoncelli, O. Schwartz
		New York University

		Learning instance-independent value functions to enhance
		local search
		(CN1, Poster)
		R. Moll, A. Barto, T. Perkins, R. Sutton
		University of Massachusetts

		Exploring unknown environments with real-time heuristic search
		(CN2, Poster)
		S. Koenig
		Georgia Institute of Technology

		GLS: a hybrid classifier system based on POMDP research
		(CN3, Poster)
		A. Hayashi, N. Suematsu
		Hiroshima City University

		Non-linear PI control inspired by biological control systems
		(CN4, Poster)
		L. Brown, G. Gonye, J. Schwaber
		E.I. DuPont deNemours

		Coordinate transformation learning of hand position feedback
		controller by using change of position error norm
		(CN5, Poster)
		E. Oyama, S. Tachi
		University of Tokyo

		Optimizing admission control while ensuring quality of service in
		multimedia networks via reinforcement learning
		(CN6, Poster)
		T. Brown, H. Tong, S. Singh
		University of Colorado

		Barycentric interpolators for continuous space & time
		reinforcement learning
		(CN7, Poster)
		R. Munos, A. Moore
		Carnegie Mellon University

		Modifying the parti-game algorithm for increased robustness,
		higher efficiency and better policies
		(CN8, Poster)
		M. Al-Ansari, R. Williams
		Northeastern University

		Coding time-varying signals using sparse, shift-invariant
		(SP2, Poster)
		M. Lewicki, T. Sejnowski
		The Salk Institute

		Phase diagram and storage capacity of sequence storing neural networks
		(LT3, Poster)
		A. Duering, A. Coolen, D. Sherrington
		Oxford University, King's College London

		Discontinuous recall transitions induced by competition between
		short- and long-range interactions in recurrent networks
		(LT4, Poster)
		N. Skantzos, C. Beckmann, A. Coolen
		King's College London

		Computational differences between asymmetrical and symmetrical
		(LT5, Poster)
		Z. Li, P. Dayan
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Shrinking the tube: a new support vector regression algorithm
		(LT6, Poster)
		B. Schoelkopf, P. Bartlett, A. Smola, R. Williamson
		GMD FIRST, Australian National University

		Dynamically adapting kernels in support vector machines
		(LT7, Poster)
		N. Cristianini, C. Campbell, J. Shawe-Taylor
		University of Bristol, University of London

		A theory of mean field approximation
		(LT8, Poster)
		T. Tanaka
		Tokyo Metropolitan University

		The belief in TAP
		(LT9, Poster)
		Y. Kabashima, D. Saad
		Tokyo Institute of Technology, Aston University

		Unsupervised clustering: the mutual information between parameters
		and observations
		(LT10, Poster)
		D. Herschkowitz, J-P. Nadal
		Ecole Normale Superieure

		Classification with linear threshold functions and the linear loss
		(LT11, Poster)
		C. Gentile, M. Warmuth
		University of Milan, UC Santa Cruz

		Almost linear VC dimension bounds for piecewise polynomial networks
		(LT12, Poster)
		P. Bartlett, V. Maiorov, R. Meir
		Australian National University, Technion

		Tight bounds for the VC-dimension of piecewise polynomial networks
		(LT13, Poster)
		A. Sakurai
		Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

		Learning Lie transformation groups for invariant visual perception
		(VS3, Poster)
		R. Rao, D. Rudermann
		The Salk Institute

		Support vector machines applied to face recognition
		(VS4, Poster)
		J. Phillips
		National Institute of Standards and Technology

		Learning to find pictures of people
		(VS5, Poster)
		S. Ioffe, D. Forsyth
		UC Berkeley

		Probabilistic sensor fusion
		(VS6, Poster)
		R. Sharma, T. Leen, M. Pavel
		Oregon Graduate Institute


		Learning multi-class dynamics
		(AA24, Poster)
		A. Blake, B. North, M. Isard
		Oxford University

		Fisher scoring and a mixture of modes approach for approximate
		inference and learning in nonlinear state space models
		(AA25, Poster) 
		T. Briegel, V. Tresp
		Siemens AG

		A randomized algorithm for pairwise clustering
		(AA28, Poster)
		Y. Gdalyahu, D. Weinshall, M. Werman
		Hebrew University

		Visualizing group structure
		(AA29, Poster)
		M. Held, J. Puzicha, J. Buhmann
		University of Bonn

		Probabilistic visualization of high-dimensional binary data
		(AA30, Poster)
		M. Tipping
		Microsoft Research

		Restructuring sparse high dimensional data for effective retrieval
		(AA31, Poster)
		C. Isbell, P. Viola
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Exploratory data analysis using radial basis function latent
		variable models
		(AA33, Poster)
		A. Marrs, A. Webb

		SMEM algorithm for mixture models
		(AA34, Poster)
		N. Ueda, R. Nakano, Z. Ghahramani, G. Hinton
		NTT Communication Science Laboratories, University of Toronto

		Learning mixture hierarchies
		(AA35, Poster)
		N. Vasconcelos, A. Lippman
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		On-line and batch parameter estimation of Gaussian mixtures
		based on the relative entropy
		(AA36, Poster)
		Y. Singer, M. Warmuth
		AT&T Labs, UC Santa Cruz

		Very fast EM-based mixture model clustering using multiresolution
		(AA37, Poster)
		A. Moore
		Carnegie Mellon University

		Maximum conditional likelihood via bound maximization and
		the CEM algorithm
		(AA38, Poster)
		T. Jebara, A. Pentland
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Lazy learning meets the recursive least squares algorithm
		(AA40, Poster)
		M. Birattari, G. Bontempi, H. Bersini
		Universite Libre de Bruxelles

		Global optimization of neural network models via sequential sampling
		(AA41, Poster)
		J. de Freitas, M. Niranjan, A. Doucet, A. Gee
		Cambridge University

		Regularizing AdaBoost
		(AA42, Poster)
		G. Raetsch, T. Onoda, K. Mueller

		Using collective intelligence to route Internet traffic
		(AP10, Poster)
		D. Wolpert, K. Tumer, J. Frank
		NASA Ames Research Center

		Scheduling straight-line code using reinforcement learning
		and rollouts
		(AP11, Poster)
		A. McGovern, E. Moss
		University of Massachusetts

		Probabilistic modeling for face orientation discrimination:
		learning from labeled and unlabeled data
		(AP12, Poster)
		S. Baluja
		Carnegie Mellon University

		Adding constrained discontinuities to Gaussian process models
		of wind fields
		(AP14, Poster)
		D. Cornford, I. Nabney, C. Williams
		Aston University

		A principle for unsupervised hierarchical decomposition of
		visual scenes
		(CS5, Poster)
		M. Mozer
		University of Colorado

		Facial memory is kernel density estimation (almost)
		(CS6, Poster)
		M. Dailey, G. Cottrell, T. Busey
		UC San Diego, Indiana University

		Perceiving without learning: from spirals to inside/outside
		(CS7, Poster)
		K. Chen, D. Wang
		Ohio State University

		Utilizing time: asynchronous binding
		(CS8, Poster)
		B. Love
		Northwestern University

		A model for associative multiplication
		(CS9, Poster)
		G. Christianson, S. Becker
		McMaster University

		Analog VLSI cellular implementation of the boundary contour system
		(IM7, Poster)
		G. Cauwenberghs, J. Waskiewicz
		Johns Hopkins University

		An integrated vision sensor for the computation of optical
		flow singular points
		(IM9, Poster)
		C. Higgins, C. Koch
		California Institute of Technology

		Spike-based compared to rate-based Hebbian learning
		(NS9, Poster)
		R. Kempter, W. Gerstner, L. van Hemmen
		Technical University of Munich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

		Neuronal regulation implements efficient synaptic pruning
		(NS10, Poster)
		G. Chechik, I. Meilijson, E. Ruppin
		Tel-Aviv University

		Signal detection in noisy weakly-active dendrites
		(NS11, Poster)
		A. Manwani, C. Koch
		California Institute of Technology

		Influence of changing the synaptic transmitter release probability
		on contrast adaptation of simple cells in the primary visual cortex
		(NS12, Poster)
		P. Adorjan, K. Obermayer
		Technical University of Berlin

		Complex cells as cortically amplified simple cells
		(NS13, Poster)
		F. Chance, S. Nelson, L. Abbott
		Brandeis University

		Synergy and redundancy among brain cells of behaving monkeys
		(NS14, Poster)
		I. Gat, N. Tishby
		Hebrew University, NEC Research Institute

		Visualizing and analyzing single-trial event-related potentials
		(NS15, Poster)
		T-P. Jung, S. Makeig, M. Westerfield, J. Townsend, E. Courchesne,
		T. Sejnowski
		The Salk Institute, Naval Health Research Center, UC San Diego

		A reinforcement learning algorithm in partially observable
		environments using short-term memory
		(CN9, Poster)
		N. Suematsu, A. Hayashi
		Hiroshima City University

		Experiments with a memoryless algorithm which learns locally optimal
		stochastic policies for partially observable Markov decision processes 
		(CN10, Poster)
		J. Williams, S. Singh
		University of Colorado

		The effect of eligibility traces on finding optimal memoryless
		policies in partially observable Markovian decision processes
		(CN11, Poster)
		J. Loch
		University of Colorado

		Learning macro-actions in reinforcement learning
		(CN12, Poster)
		J. Randlov
		Niels Bohr Institute

		Reinforcement learning based on on-line EM algorithm
		(CN13, Poster)
		M. Sato, S. Ishii
		ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories,
		Nara Institute of Science and Technology

		Controlling the complexity of HMM systems by regularization
		(SP4, Poster)
		C. Neukirchen, G. Rigoll

		Maximum-likelihood continuity mapping (MALCOM): an alternative
		to HMMs
		(SP5, Poster)
		D. Nix, J. Hogden
		Los Alamos National Laboratory

		On-line learning with restricted training sets: exact solution
		as benchmark for general theories
		(LT17, Poster)
		H. Rae, P. Sollich, A. Coolen
		King's College London, University of Edinburgh

		General bounds on Bayes errors for regression with
		Gaussian processes
		(LT19, Poster)
		M. Opper, F. Vivarelli
		Aston University

		Variational approximations of graphical models using
		undirected graphs
		(LT21, Poster)
		D. Barber, W. Wiegerinck
		University of Nijmegen

		Optimizing classifiers for imbalanced training sets
		(LT24, Poster)
		G. Karakoulas, J. Shawe-Taylor
		Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, University of London

		On the optimality of incremental neural network algorithms
		(LT25, Poster)
		R. Meir, V. Maiorov

		General-purpose localization of textured image regions
		(VS8, Poster)
		R. Rosenholtz
		Xerox PARC

		A V1 model of pop out and asymmetry in visual search
		(VS9, Poster)
		Z. Li
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology

		Minutemax: a fast approximation for minimax learning
		(VS10, Poster)
		J. Coughlan, A. Yuille
		Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

		Using statistical properties of a labelled visual world to
		estimate scenes
		(VS11, Poster)
		W. Freeman, E. Pasztor
		Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory

		Example based image synthesis of articulated figures
		(VS12, Poster)
		T. Darrell
		Interval Research


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