Sameer Singh S.Singh at exeter.ac.uk
Tue Dec 22 12:44:56 EST 1998


Pattern Analysis and Neural Networks research, Exeter 
University, UK

Pattern Analysis and Applications research group at Exeter 
University has research interests in image processing, 
pattern recognition and neural networks. The research group 
provides, from time to time, finances to support Faculty 
members from other research institutions to visit and work 
on projects of mutual interest. The 1999 Visiting 
Fellowship will provide for return airfares and full 
accommodation costs in Exeter for a period of up to one 
year. It is expected that senior academics who are taking a 
study leave or post-doctoral staff who wish to expand their 
research interests in our laboratory will find this 
appointment suitable. Normally, visiting scientists will 
receive partial or full salaries at their home 
institutions. The 1999 fellowship must be taken on or 
before 1 October 1999; the actual starting date is flexible 
and can be negotiated with the group Director.

For the 1999 fellowship, we invite interested candidates in 
the area of "Adaptive Image Analysis". An abstract of our 
current interests is appended at the end of this message. 
We are particularly interested in candidates who would 
pursue research in any of the areas mentioned in the 
abstract below. We would specially encourage those 
complement the expertise available within our research 
group, for example those who have an interest in robotics 
and learning in image processing. The exact nature of 
research undertaken can be discussed through email. 

One of the key aims of the fellowship is to encourage 
collaboration between PANN research group and other 
scientists working in similar areas. This is particularly 
useful for stimulating further research activity through 
research grants within the UK and European communities. 
Since the proposed project is of significance to defence, 
transportation and space agencies, this fellowship will 
provide excellent contacts with the industry for further 
support in this research area.

If you are interested in making an application, then please 
send a copy of your CV to Sameer Singh at 
s.singh at exeter.ac.uk at the earliest possible opportunity. 
Please note that the fellowship is only open at the 
post-doctoral level.

Adaptive Scene Analysis

We are currently interested in researching intelligent 
scene analysis on a number of sub-areas in collaboration 
with the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency. These 
research areas include adaptive classifier development, 
modelling feedback mechanisms in image processing at 
various levels, optimal feature selection, dynamic control, 
development of contextual, spatial and temporal awareness 
models, self-assessment, validation and learning mechanisms 
and building robotic systems that incorporate such vision 
infrastructure for navigation and control. 


Sameer Singh
Director, PANN Research
Department of Computer Science
University of Exeter
Exeter EX4 4PT
tel: +44-1392-264053
fax: +44-1392-264067
email: s.singh at exeter.ac.uk
web: http://www.dcs.exeter.ac.uk/academics/sameer

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