Call for papers: HELNET Workshop on Neural Networks

HELNET 1997 Workshop on Neural Networks helnet97 at
Wed May 21 21:11:04 EDT 1997

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

         HELNET 1997 International Workshop on Neural Networks
                  October 3 - October 5, Montreux

        Announcing the HELNET 1997 Workshop on Neural Networks
        Montreux, Switzerland from October 3 - October 5, 1997
                           mailto:helnet97 at

   The HELNET workshops are informal meetings primarily targeted
  towards young researchers from neural networks and related fields.
   They are traditionally organised a few days prior to the ICANN 
  conferences. Participants are offered the opportunity to present 
  and extensively discuss their work as well as more general topics 
                    from the neural network field.

    One of the aims of the HELNET Workshops is to fascilitate such 
     exchange and enable (young) researchers, (PhD) students and 
   postdocs in the field to learn more about the varying disciplines 
   in the neural networks field outside their own research program. 
     That is why we encourage researchers from related fields to 
                          register and particpate.

    Although the final workshop program has not been fixed yet 
   the following topics have been proposed for presentation and 

- Optimal complexity in reduced connectivity neural network 
- Speech recognition by neural networks
- Neural networks and statistical inference
- The emergence of consciousness in neural networks
- Applications of differential geometric system theory in 
  dynamic neural networks
- Circuit and VLSI complexity issues
- VLSI friendly learning
- Neural network applications in control
- Visualization by neural networks
- Markov modelling of sensory neural spike trains 
- An application of neural networks in cellular wireless networks

      Please find more detailed information on the HELNET 1997 
    Workshop on Neural Networks and the registration form below.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  Deadline paper submission        July 15, 1997
  Notification of acceptance       August 1, 1997
  Deadline registration            August 15, 1997
  Deadline revised papers          September 15, 1997
  Workshop start                   October 3, 1997
  Workshop end                     October 5, 1997

Travel Directions

Venue site:
Hotel des Alpes Vaudoises
Rue de Bugnon
1823 Glion (Montreux)
Tel: + 41 21 963 20 76
Fax: + 41 21 963 56 94

The workshop site is located at the foot of the Rochers-de-Naye at 
an altitude of approximatly 670 meters above sea-level in the 
village of Glion. It is overlooking Montreux and the Lac Leman and 
offers an exciting view on the Alpes. The hotel is equipped with a 
private parking, a large garden and an outdoor swimming pool. There 
is a direct connection by local train from the venue site to the 
Montreux/Territet trainstation and vice versa. Participants will 
be provided with train tickets when needed.

Getting there:
The easiest connection by plane is using Geneva Airport. There are 
trains running directly from Geneva Airport to Montreux regularly 
in less than an hour. At Montreux you switch to a small local 
train which will take you from Montreux/Territet up the mountain 
toward the Hotel des Alpes Vaudoises. This trains stops right in 
front of the hotel at the "Hotel des Alpes Vaudoises" train stop.

To ICANN...:
There is a direct connection from Montreux to Laussane. More 
information can be found at the ICANN www-site.


Paper Format

The workshop participants are encouraged to submit their papers in 
LaTeX format. However, we can also process Word and Wordperfect 
documents. If you submit non-LaTeX formatted papers please include 
plain text versions of your paper on PC disk as well as postscript 
versions of your figures. 

 - Papers should be submitted camera-ready. 
 - The printable are should be 12 by 20 centimeters (including 
   page numbers) in which case font size should be 10-point size 
   using a Times or similar font. 
 - Titles and subtitle should be typeset using 12-point fonts. 
   Footnotes and super/subscripts should be 9-point characters. 
 - When you use standard LaTeX styles (e.g. article) your paper 
   will have a default printable area of approximatly 15 by 23 
   centimeters and will be reduced in size by 80% for publication. 
   Please take this into account when preparing your figures. 

The length of submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages including 
figures, tables and references.Centered at the top of the first 
page should be the title of the papers, author names(s), 
affiliation(s) and mailing address(es).

Please submit 4 (four) copies of your paper as well as a version 
on disk (PC/DOS format only!) with the graphic files included on 
this disk. Paper versions of submitted manuscripts should not be 
stapled or folded.

Like the previous occasions, the proceedings of this year's 
workshop will be published by the VUU Publishers, Amsterdam.


Workshop Fee 

-Approximate- exchange rates: 100 DFL = 30 BPS = 50 USD = 85 DM
Check your local exchange office for the actual rates!

The workshop fee is DFL. 600,- (Dutch guilders) and includes 4 
nights in a shared double room (DFL 725,- if you prefer a single 
room), half-board, refreshements during the sessions, welcome 
drinks on the night of arrival. Accompanying persons are welcome 
and charged DFL. 500 (DFL. 625 for single room). An optional 
outing is to be organized and included in the fee. The workshop 
proceedings will be handed out upon arrival.

You can register by printing and filling the registration form 
and sending it per fax or regular mail. If you do not intend to 
pay by credit card you can also email the filled-out registration 
form. You will receive confirmation of your registration and 
payment upon receipt. If you have any question please direct 
your queries to:

P.O. Box 2318
1000 CH Amsterdam 
Fax: + 31 20 471 49 11
Email: helnet97 at

The workshop fee is payable in the following ways:

  -  Bank transfer:
     ABN-AMRO Bank, Ceintuurbaan 89, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
     Account No.
     Stating: HELNET97 

  -  Credit card:
     We accept VISA and American Express credit cards. Please 
     print and fill out the registration form and send it to us by
     fax or regular mail using details stated above.   


In order to register as a participant to the HELNET Workshop on 
Neural Networks please print and fill out the form below completely 
and mail or fax to the address indicated below: If you do NOT 
intend to pay using a credit card you can also email us the 
filled-out registration form.

P.O. Box 2318
1000 CH Amsterdam 
Fax: + 31 20 471 49 11
helnet97 at


  [ ] Double room          (FDL 600,-)
  Preference for sharing  your room with:

  [ ] Single room          (DFL 725.-)
  [ ] Accompanying person  (DFL. 500,- when sharing a double room, 
                            DFL. 625,- otherwise)


Your personal details:

  Name -----------------------------------------------------------

  Position  ------------------------------------------------------

  Institution  ---------------------------------------------------

  Address  -------------------------------------------------------

  P.O. Box  ------------------------------------------------------

  Zip Code  ------------------------------------------------------

  City  ----------------------------------------------------------

  Country   ------------------------------------------------------

  Tel  -----------------------------------------------------------

  Fax  -----------------------------------------------------------

  Email  ---------------------------------------------------------


Your registration:

  [ ]  I can not make a final regsitration yet. Please keep me 

  [ ]  I register for HELNET97 but I will not submit a paper and 
       would just like to attend and participate in the discussions.

  [ ]  I would like to present the following paper:






I would like to propose the following topics for discussion:

 1. --------------------------------------------------------------

 2. --------------------------------------------------------------

 3. --------------------------------------------------------------

 4. --------------------------------------------------------------


I will make the workshop fee payable in the following way:

  [ ] Bank transfer:
                        Account No.
                        Stating: HELNET97
                        ABN-AMRO Bank 
                        Ceintuurbaan 89, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  [ ] Credit cards:
                        We can accept the following cards:
                        [ ] VISA
                        [ ] American Express

  Card No. -------------------------------------------------------

  Expiry Date: ---------------------------------------------------

  Signature: -----------------------------------------------------

  Date: ----------------------------------------------------------


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