CFP: Hybrid Evolutionary Learning Systems

Sung-Bae Cho sbcho at
Tue May 20 08:28:58 EDT 1997

------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS -------------------------

                          Special Session
              "Hybrid Evolutionary Learning Systems"
                           at ICONIP'97
The Fourth International Conference on Neural Information Processing
                      November 24~28, 1997
                Dunedin/Queenstown, New Zealand


As part of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing,
a special session is planned on Hybrid Evolutionary Learning Systems.
The session will be devoted to exploring different hybrid approaches
of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computation for achieving
better learning systems.

The scope of the special session will include any topics related with
the hybrid learning systems not only based on the above softcomputing
techniques, but also on any biologically inspired methodologies.

Prospective authors are invited to submit three copies of the paper written
in English on A4-format white paper with one inch margins on all four sides,
in two column format, on not more than 4 pages, single-spaced, in Times or
similar font of 10 points, and printed on one side of the page only.
Centred at the top of the first page should be the complete title, author(s),
mailing and e-mailing addresses, followed by an abstract and the text.

Those who are interested should send a title and an extended abstract
(not more than 300 words) via email and the manuscripts should be sent to
the following address no later than June 16:

Session Chair:
Prof. Sung-Bae Cho
Dept. of Computer Science
Yonsei University
134 Shinchon-dong, Sudaemoon-ku
Seoul 120-749, Korea
Tel:   +82 2 361-2720
Fax:   +82 2 365-2579
Email: sbcho at

Important Dates:
June 16, 1997     Paper Submission Due
July 20, 1997     Notification of Acceptance
August 20, 1997   Final Submission

For general information of ICONIP'97, please visit the web page of the 
conference at


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