Neural Processing Letters - Tables of Contents Volume 5, issue 1&2

Martijn Boet MARTIJN.BOET at
Mon Jun 2 08:04:41 EDT 1997

Dear Sirs,

Please feel free to pay a visit to the following URL for
information on the journal Neural Processing Letters, the
Journal for Rapid Publication of Neural Network Research:

Neural Processing Letters

                Table of Contents
                Volume 5, Issue 1, February 1997

                     Implementation of the Exclusive-Or Function in a Hopfield
                     Style Recurrent Network
                     Roelof Brouwer
                     pp. 1-7

                     Learning Temporally Encoded Patterns in Networks of
                     Spiking Neurons
                     Berthold Ruf, Michael Schmitt
                     pp. 9-18

                     Exploitation of Contributions to Information Gain, from
                     Learning Analysis to Architecture Synthesis
                     Bertrand Augereau, Thierry Simon, Jacky Bernard
                     pp. 19-24

                     Prediction of Neural Net Tolerance to Noise
                     Khalid A. Al-Mashouq
                     pp. 25-34

                     The LBG-U Method for Vector Quantization - an
                     Improvement over LBG Inspired from Neural Networks
                     Bernd Fritzke
                     pp. 35-45

                     Efficient Minimisation of the KL Distance for the
                     Approximation of Posterior Conditional Probabilities
                     M. Battisti, P. Burrascano, D. Pirollo
                     pp. 47-55

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 1997

The Metric Structure of Weight Space
S.M. Ruger and A. Ossen
pp. 63-71

A Constrained Generative Model Applied to Face Detection
R. Feraud, O. Bernier and D. Collobert
pp. 73-81

Virtual Sample Generation Using a Population of Networks
S. Cho, M. Jang and S. Chang
pp. 83-89

Training a Neuron in Sequential Learning
H. Poulard and N. Hernandez
pp. 91-96

Recognising Simple Behaviours Using Time-Delay RBF Networks
A.J. Howell and H. Buxton
pp. 97-104

Modified Oja's Algorithms for Principal Subspace and
Minor Subspace Extraction
pp. 105-110

Vision Experiments with Neural Deformable Template Matching
D.S. Banarse and A.W.G. Duller
pp. 111-119

Increasing Attraction of Pseudo Inverse Autoassociative Networks
D.O. Gorodnichy and A.M. Reznik
pp. 121-125

Feedforward Neural Networks Based Input-Output Models for Railway
Carriage System Identification
T.W.S. Chow and O. Shuai
pp. 127-137

Computationally Efficient Approximation of a Probabilistic
Model for Document Representation in the WEBSOM Full-Text
Analysis Method
S. Kaski
pp. 139-151

Interweaving Kohonen Maps of Fifferent Dimensions to
handle Measure Zero Constraints on Topological Mappings
L. Manevitz
pp. 153-159

Instruction for Authors
pp. 161-165

If you have any questions about this journal please feel free
to contact me at: martijn.boet at

With kind regards,

Kluwer Academic Publishers
Martijn Boet
Product Manager
martijn.boet at

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