Jean-Arcady MEYER meyer at
Wed Apr 23 08:57:09 EDT 1997

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

        ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR Journal (The MIT Press)

                 Special Issue on


          Guest editor:  Nestor Schmajuk

        Submission Deadline: August 31, 1997.

In the last decades, computational models of animal and human
spatial navigation have received increasing attention from 
computer scientists, engineers, psychologists, and

At the same time, roboticists have applied enormous efforts 
to the design of robots capable of spatial navigation. The 
combined contribution of these fields to the study of spatial
navigation promises a rapid progress in this area. 

This special issue of Adaptive Behavior will focus on models 
of spatial navigation in both animals and robots. We are 
soliciting papers describing finished work on models and 
technology applied to maze navigation, search behavior, 
and exploration. Also models of brain areas involved in 
navigation are welcome.

We encourage submissions that address the following topics:

-spatial learning in animals or robots

-maze navigation in animals or robots

-exploratory and searching behavior by individual animals or robots

-exploratory behavior by groups of animals or robots

-learning from incremental and delayed feedback

Submitted papers should be delivered by August 31, 1997.  
Authors intending to submit a manuscript should contact the 
guest editor as soon as possible to discuss paper ideas and
suitability for this issue.  Use nestor at or 
tel: (919) 660-5695 or fax: (919) 660-5726.  Manuscripts 
should be typed or laser-printed in English (with American 
spelling preferred) and double-spaced.  Copies of the complete
Adaptive Behavior Instructions to Contributors are available 
on request--also see the Adaptive Behavior journal's home
page at:

For paper submissions, send five (5) copies of submitted papers 
(hard-copy only) to:

     Dr. Nestor Schmajuk
     Department of Psychology
     Duke University
     Durham, NC 27708

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