BU - Cognitive and Neural Systems cas-cns at
Tue Apr 1 10:45:17 EST 1997


International Conference on 
May 28--31, 1997 
Sponsored by the 
Center for Adaptive Systems 
and the 
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems 
Boston University 
with financial support from 
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 
the Office of Naval Research  
This conference will include 21 invited lectures and 88 contributed
lectures and posters by experts on the biology and technology of how
the brain and other intelligent systems see, understand, and act upon
a changing world. The program is listed below. 

Since seating at the meeting is limited, early registration is
recommended. To register, please fill out the registration form
below. Student registrations must be accompanied by a letter of
verification from a department chairperson or faculty/research
advisor. If paying by check, mail to: Neural Models of Mind and
Machine, c/o Cynthia Bradford, Boston University, Department of
Cognitive and Neural Systems, 677 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02215. If
paying by credit card, mail to the above address, or fax to (617)
353-7755.  The meeting registration fee will help to pay for a
reception, 6 coffee breaks, and the meeting proceedings.

A day of tutorials will be held on Wednesday, May 28.  The tutorial
registration fee helps to pay for 2 coffee breaks and a hard copy of
the 7 hours of tutorial viewgraphs. 

See the meeting web page at for 
further meeting information.


(Please Type or Print) 
Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine 
Boston University 
Boston, Massachusetts 
Tutorials: May 28, 1997
Meeting:   May 29-31, 1997 





City, State, Postal Code:     

Phone and Fax:     

The conference registration fee includes the meeting program,
reception, coffee breaks, and meeting proceedings. For registered
participants in the conference, the regular tutorial registration fee
is $20 and the student fee is $15. For attendees of only the tutorial,
the regular registration fee is $30 and the student fee is $25. Two
coffee breaks and a tutorial handout will be covered by the tutorial
registration fee.


[   ]  $55 Conference plus Tutorial (Regular) 
[   ]  $40 Conference plus Tutorial (Student)   
[   ]  $35 Conference Only (Regular)
[   ]  $25 Conference Only (Student)
[   ]  $30 Tutorial Only (Regular)  
[   ]  $25 Tutorial Only (Student)   
Method of Payment:
[   ] Enclosed is a check made payable to "Boston University". 
Checks must be made payable in US dollars and issued by a US 
correspondent bank. Each registrant is responsible for any and 
all bank charges.
[   ] I wish to pay my fees by credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or 
Discover Card only).
Type of card:    

Name as it appears on the card:     

Account number:     

Expiration date:     

Signature and date:     


MEETING SCHEDULE (poster session details follow the oral session schedule)

WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1997 (Tutorials):

 8:30am--10:00am Stephen Grossberg (Part I):
		 "Vision, Brain, and Technology"
10:00am--10:30am COFFEE BREAK
10:30am--12:00pm Stephen Grossberg (Part II):
		 "Vision, Brain, and Technology"
12:00pm---1:15pm LUNCH
 1:15pm---3:15pm Gail Carpenter:
		 "Self-Organizing Neural Networks for Learning,
		  Recognition, and Prediction: ART Architectures
		  and Applications"
 3:15pm---3:45pm COFFEE BREAK
 3:45pm---5:45pm Eric Schwartz:
		 "Algorithms and Hardware for the Application of
		  Space-Variant Active Vision to High Performance 
		  Machine Vision"

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1997 (Invited Lectures and Posters):

 8:30am---9:15am Robert Shapley: 
		 "Brain Mechanisms for Visual Perception of Occlusion"
 9:15am--10:00am George Sperling:
		 "An Integrated Theory for Attentional Processes in 
		  Vision, Recognition, and Memory"
10:30am--11:15am Patrick Cavanagh:
		 "Direct Recognition"
11:15am--12:00pm Stephen Grossberg:
		 "Perceptual Grouping during Neural Form and 
		  Motion Processing"
12:00pm---1:30pm LUNCH
 1:30pm---2:15pm Robert Desimone:
		 "Neuronal Mechanisms of Visual Attention"
 2:15pm---3:00pm Ennio Mingolla:
		 "Visual Search"
 3:30pm---4:15pm Patricia Goldman-Rakic:
		 "The Machinery of Mind: Models from Neurobiology"
 4:15pm---5:00pm Larry Squire:
		 "Brain Systems for Recognition Memory"
 5:00pm---8:00pm POSTER SESSION I 

FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1997 (Invited and Contributed Lectures):

 8:00am---8:30am MEETING REGISTRATION 
 8:30am---9:15am Lance Optican:
		 "Neural Control of Rapid Eye Movements"
 9:15am--10:00am John Kalaska:
		 "Reaching to Visual Targets: Cerebral Cortical
 		  Neuronal Mechanisms"
10:00am--10:30am COFFEE BREAK 
10:30am--11:15am Rodney Brooks:
		 "Models of Vision-Based Human Interaction"
11:15am--12:00pm Alex Pentland:
		 "Interpretation of Human Action"
12:00pm---1:30pm LUNCH 
 1:30pm---1:45pm Paolo Gaudiano:
		 "Retinal Processing of IRFPA Imagery"
 1:45pm---2:00pm Zili Liu:
		 "2D Ideal Observers in 3D Object Recognition"
 2:00pm---2:15pm Soheil Shams:
		 "Object Segmentation and Recognition via a Network
  		  of Resonating Spiking Neurons"
 2:15pm---2:30pm Wey-Shiuan Hwang and John Weng:
		 "Autonomous Learning for Visual Attention Selection"
 2:30pm---2:45pm Shane W. McWhorter, Theodore J. Doll, 
                 and Anthony A. Wasilewski:
		 "Integration of Computational Vision Research Models
		  for Visual Performance Prediction"
 2:45pm---3:00pm Frank S. Holman III and Robert J. Marks II:
		 "Platform Independent Geometry Verification Using 
		  Neural Networks Including Color Visualization"
 3:00pm---3:30pm COFFEE BREAK 
 3:30pm---3:45pm Heiko Neumann and Wolfgang Sepp:
		 "A Model of Cortico-Cortical Integration of Visual
		  Information: Receptive Fields, Grouping, and
		  Illusory Contours"
 3:45pm---4:00pm Constance S. Royden:
		 "A Biological Model for Computing Observer Motion
		  in the Presence of Moving Objects"
 4:00pm---4:15pm Michele Fabre-Thorpe, Ghislaine Richard, 
                 and Simon Thorpe:
		 "Rapid Categorization of Natural Images in Rhesus
		  Monkeys: Implications for Models of Visual Processing"
 4:15pm---4:30pm Raju S. Bapi and Michael J. Denham:
		 "Neural Network Model of Experiments on 
		  Set-Shifting Paradigm"
 4:30pm---4:45pm Jose L. Contreras-Vidal and George E. Stelmach:
		 "Adaptive Resonance Theory Computations in the
		  Cortico-Striatal Circuits are Gated by Dopamine
		  Activity during Reward-Related Learning of
		  Approach Behavior"
 4:45pm---5:00pm Mingui Sun, Murat Sonmez, Ching-Chung Li, 
                 and Robert J. Sclabassi:
		 "Application of Time-Frequency Analysis, Artificial
		  Neural Networks, and Decision Making Theory to 
	 	  Localization of Electrical Sources in the Brain
		  Based on Multichannel EEG"
 5:00pm---6:30pm MEETING RECEPTION
 6:30pm---7:30pm Stuart Anstis Keynote Lecture:
		 "Moving in Unexpected Directions"

SATURDAY, MAY 31 (Invited Lectures and Posters):

 8:30am---9:15am Eric Schwartz: 
		 "Multi-Scale Vortex of the Brain: Anatomy as
		  Architecture in Biological and Machine Vision"
 9:15am--10:00am Terrence Boult:
		 "Polarization Vision"
10:30am--11:15am Allen Waxman:
		 "Opponent Color Models of Visible/IR Fusion
		  for Color Night Vision"
11:15am--12:00pm Gail Carpenter:
		 "Distributed Learning, Recognition, and Prediction
		  in ART and ARTMAP Networks"
12:00pm---1:30pm LUNCH
 1:30pm---2:15pm Tomaso Poggio:
		 "Representing Images for Visual Learning"
 2:15pm---3:00pm Michael Jordan:
		 "Graphical Models, Neural Networks, and
		  Variational Approximations"
 3:30pm---4:15pm Andreas Andreou:
		 "Mixed Analog/Digital Neuromorphic VLSI 
		  for Sensory Systems"
 4:15pm---5:00pm Takeo Kanade:
		 "Computational VLSI Sensors: Integrating
		  Sensing and Processing"
 5:00pm---8:00pm POSTER SESSION II 

POSTER SESSION I: Thursday, May 29, 1997
All posters will be displayed for the full day.

Biological Vision Session:
 #1	Vlad Cardei, Brian Funt, and Kobus Barnard:
	"Modeling Color Constancy with Neural Networks"
 #2	E.J. Pauwels, P. Fiddelaers, and L. Van Gool:
	"Send in the DOGs: Robust Clustering using 
	 Center-Surround Receptive Fields"
 #3	Tony Vladusich and Jack Broerse:
	"Neural Networks for Adaptive Compensation of Ocular
	 Chromatic Aberration and Discounting Variable Illumination"
 #4	Alexander Dimitrov and Jack D. Cowan:
	"Objects and Texture Need Different Cortical Representations"
 #5	Miguel Las-Heras, Jordi Saludes, and Josep Amat:
	"Adaptive Analysis of Singular Points Correspondence
	 in Stereo Images"
 #6	Neil Middleton:
	"Properties of Receptive Fields in Radial Basis Function
	 (RBF) Networks"
 #7	David Enke and Cihan Dagli:
	"Modeling the Bidirectional Interactions within and 
	 between the LGN and Area V1 Cells"
 #8	Scott Oddo, Jacob Beck, and Ennio Mingolla:
	"Texture Segregation in Chromatic Element-Arrangement Patterns"
 #9	David Alexander and Phil Sheridan:
	"Local from Global Geometry of Layers 2, 3, and 4C of
	 the Macaque Striate Cortex"
#10	Phil Sheridan and David Alexander:
	"Invariant Transformations on a Space-Variant Hexagonal Grid"
#11	Irak Vicarte Mayer and Haruhisa Takahashi:
	"Simultaneous Edge Detection and Image Segmentation using
	 Neural Networks and Color Theory"
#12	Adam Reeves and Shuang Wu:
	"Visual Adaptation: Stochastic or Deterministic?"
#13	Peter Kalocsai and Irving Biederman:
	"Biologically Inspired Recognition Model with Extension Fields"
#14	Stephane J.M. Rainville, Frederick A.A. Kingdom, and
	Anthony Hayes:
	"Effects of Local Phase Structure on Motion Perception"
#15	Alex Harner and Paolo Gaudiano:
	"A Neural Model of Attentive Visual Search"
#16	Lars Liden, Ennio Mingolla, and Takeo Watanabe:
	"The Effects of Spatial Frequency, Contrast, Disparity, 
	 and Phase on Motion Integration between Different Areas  
 	 of Visual Space"
#17	Brett R. Fajen, Nam-Gyoon Kim, and Michael T. Turvey:
	"Robustness of Heading Perception Along Curvilinear Paths"
#18	L.N. Podladchikova, I.A. Rybak, V.I. Gusakova, 
	N.A. Shevtsova, and A.V. Golovan:
	"A Behavioral Model of Active Visual Perception"
#19 	Julie Epelboim and Patrick Suppes:
	"Models of Eye Movements during Geometrical Problem Solving"

Biological Learning and Recognition Session:
#20	George J. Kalarickal and Jonathan A. Marshall:
	"Visual Classical Rearing and Synaptic Plasticity:
	 Comparison of EXIN and BCM Learning Rules"
#21	Jean-Daniel Kant and Daniel S. Levine:
	"ARTCRITIC: An Adaptive Critic Model for Decision Making
	 in Context"
#22	L. Andrew Coward:
	"Electronic Simulation of Unguided Learning, Associative
	 Memory, Dreaming, and Internally Generated Succession of
	 Mental Images"
#23	K. Torii, T. Kitsukawa, S. Kunifuji, and T. Matsuzawa:
	"A Synaptic Model by Temporal Coding"
#24	Gabriel Robles-de-la-Torre and Robert Sekuler:
	"Learning a Virtual Object's Dynamics: Spectral Analysis
	 of Human Subjects' Internal Representation"
#25	Sheila R. Cooke, Robert Sekuler, Brendan Kitts, 
	and Maja Mataric:
	"Delayed and Real-Time Imitation of Complex Visual `Gestures' "
#26	Brendan Kitts, Sheila R. Cooke, Maja Mataric, 
	and Robert Sekuler:
	"Improved Pattern Recognition by Combining Invariance Methods"
#27	Gregory R. Mulhauser:
	"Can ART Dynamics Create a 'Centre of Cognitive Action' 
	 Capable of Supporting Phenomenal Consciousness?"
#28	Bruce F. Katz:
	"The Pleasingness of Polygons"
#29	Stephen L. Thaler:
	"Device for the Autonomous Generation of Useful Information"

Control and Robotics Session:
#30	John Demeris and Gillian Hayes:
	"Integrating Visual Perception and Action in a Robot
	 Model of Imitation"
#31	Danil V. Prokhorov and Donald C. Wunsch II:
	"A General Training Procedure for Stable Control with
	 Adaptive Critic Designs"
#32	Juan Cires and Pedro J. Zufiria:
	"Space Perception through a Self-Organizing Map for
	 Mobile Robot Control"
#33	Alex Guazzelli and Michael A. Arbib:
	"NeWG: The Neural World Graph"
#34	Minh-Chinh Nguyen:
	"Robot Vision Without Calibration"
#35	Erol Sahin and Paolo Gaudiano:
	"Real-Time Object Localization from Monocular Camera Motion"
#36	Carolina Chang and Paolo Gaudiano:
	"A Neural Network for Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robots"
#37	P. Gaussier, J.-P. Banquet, C. Joulain, A. Revel, 
	and S. Zrehen:
	"Validation of a Hippocampal Model on a Mobile Robot"
#38	J.-P. Banquet, P. Gaussier, C. Joulain, and A. Revel:
	"Learning, Recognition, and Generation of Tempero-Spatial
	 Sequences by a Cortico-Hippocampal System: A Neural
 	 Network Model"

POSTER SESSION II: Saturday, May 31, 1997
All posters will be displayed for the full day.

Machine Vision Session:
 #1	Tyler C. Folsom:
	"Edge Detection by Sparse Sampling with Steerable
	 Quadrature Filters"
 #2	Mario Aguilar and Allen M. Waxman:
	"Comparison of Opponent-Color Neural Processing and
	 Principal Components Analysis in the Fusion of Visible
	 and Thermal IR Imagery"
 #3	Magnus Snorrason:
	"A Multi-Resolution Feature Integration Model for the
	 Next-Look Problem"
 #4	Charles B. Owen:
	"Application of Multiple Media Stream Correlation to
	 Functional Imaging of the Brain"

Machine Learning Session:
 #5	Mukund Balasubramanian and Stephen Grossberg:
	"A Neural Architecture for Recognizing 3-D Objects
	 from Multiple 2-D Views"
 #6	Maartje E.J. Raijmakers and Peter C.M. Molenaar:
	"Exact ART: A Complete Implementation of an ART Network"
 #7	Danil V. Prokhorov and Lee A. Feldkamp:
	"On the Relationship between Derivative Adaptive Critics
	 and Backpropagation through Time"
 #8	Tulay Yildirim and John S. Marsland:
	"Optimization by Back Propagation of Error in Conic
	 Section Functions"
 #9	John M. Zachary, Jacob Barhen, Nageswara S. Rao, and
	Sitharama S. Iyengar:
	"A Dynamical Systems Approach to Neural Network Learning
	 from Finite Examples"
#10	Christos Orovas and James Austin:
	"Cellular Associative Neural Networks"
#11	M.A. Grudin, P.J.G. Lisboa, and D.M. Harvey:
	"A Sparse Representation of Human Faces for Recognition"
#12	Mike Y.W. Leung and David K.Y. Chiu:
	"Feature Selection for Two-Dimensional Shape Discrimination
	 using Feedforward Neural Networks"
#13	Robert Alan Brown:
	"The Creation of Order in a Self-Learning Duplex Network"
#14	C.H. Chen:
	"Designing a Neural Network to Predict Human Responses"
#15	Jean-Marc Fellous, Laurenz Wiskott, Norbert Kruger, 
	and Christoph von der Malsburg:
	"Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching"
#16	Gerard J. Rinkus:
	"A Monolithic Distributed Representation Supporting 
	 Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition"
#17	Harald Ruda and Magnus Snorrason:
	"Evaluating Automatically Constructed Hierarchies of
	 Self-Organized Neural Network Classifiers"
#18	Ken J. Tomita:
	"A Method for Building an Artificial Neural Network 
	 with 2/3 Dimensional Visualization of Input Data"
#19	Fernando J. Corbacho and Michael A. Arbib:
	"Towards a Coherence Theory of the Brain and Adaptive Systems"
#20	Gail A. Carpenter, Mark A. Rubin, and William W. Streilein:
	"ARTMAP-FD: Familiarity Discrimination of Radar Range Profiles"
#21	James R. Williamson:
	"Multifield ARTMAP: A Network for Local, Incremental, 
	 Constructive Learning"
#22	Marcos M. Campos:
	"Constructing Adaptive Orthogonal Wavelet Bases with 
	 Self-Organizing Feature Maps"
#23	Sucharita Gopal, Curtis E. Woodcock, and Alan H. Strahler:
	"Fuzzy ARTMAP Classification of Global Land Cover from
	 AVHRR Data Set"
#24	A.F. Rocha and A. Serapiao:
	"Fuzzy Modeling of the Visual Mind"
#25	Eun-Jin Kim and Yillbyung Lee:
	"Handwritten Hangul Recognition Based on Psychologically
	 Motivated Model"
#26	Jayadeva:
	"A Nonlinear Programming Based Approach to the Traveling
	 Salesman Problem"
#27 	Haruhisa Takahashi:
	"Biologically Plausible Efficient Learning Via Local
 	 Delta Rule"
#28	Raonak Zaman and Donald C. Wunsch II:
	"Prediction of Yarn Strength from Fiber Properties 	
 	 using Fuzzy ARTMAP"

VLSI Session:
#29	James Waskiewicz and Gert Cauwenberghs:
	"The Boundary Contour System on a Single Chip:
	 Analog VLSI Architecture"
#30	Marc Cohen, Pamela Abshire, and Gert Cauwenberghs:
	"Current Mode VLSI Fuzzy ART Processor with On-Chip Learning"
#31	Shinji Karasawa, Senri Ikeda, Yong Hea Ku, and Jun Hum Chung:
	"Methodology of the Decision-Making Device"
#32	Todd Hinck and Allyn E. Hubbard:
	"Circuits that Implement Shunting Neurons and Steerable
	 Spatial Filters"

Audition, Speech, and Language Session:
#33	Colin Davis and Sally Andrews:
	"Competitive and Cooperative Effects of Similarity 
	 in Stationary and Self-Organizing Models of Visual 
	 Word Recognition"
#34	Susan L. McCabe and Michael J. Denham:
	"Towards a Neurocomputational Model of Auditory Perception"
#35	Dave Johnson:
	"A Wavelet-Based Auditory Planning Space for Production
	 of Vowel Sounds"
#36	Michael A. Cohen, Stephen Grossberg, and Christopher Myers:
	"A Neural Model of Context Effects in Variable-Rate
	 Speech Perception"
#37	Peter Cariani:
	"Neural Computation in the Time Domain"
#38	N.K. Kasabov and R. Kozma:
	"Chaotic Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Networks and their Applications
	 for Phoneme-Based Spoken Language Recognition"


MEETING HOTEL INFORMATION: For all hotels listed below, meeting attendees 
should make their own reservations directly with the hotel using the 
meeting name "Vision, Recognition, Action".

370 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 267-1607
(800) 443-5468
Janet Brown, director of sales

$130/night is the Boston University rate, and is the lowest 
rate that the Eliot will offer to anyone, whether individual 
or group.

A block of 12 rooms is being held until April 28, 1997.
This hotel is 3 or 4 blocks from the CNS Department.

575 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 267-3100 (reservations)
(617) 864-0300 (sales office)
Eric Perryman, group sales office

Rates: $115/night/single and $125/night/double.

A block of 15 rooms is being held until April 28, 1997.
This hotel is across the street from the CNS Department.

645 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 236-7050
(800) 727-2825
Dan Betro, group sales office

A block of 29 rooms is being held until April 28, 1997.
This hotel is a few steps away from the CNS Department.

Pricing will vary depending on the kind of room; the range is
$55/night up to $129/night. Please inquire directly with the
hotel when making your reservation. 

1200 Beacon Street 
Brookline, MA 02146
(617) 277-1200 
(800) 465-4329 
Lisa Pedulla, Director of Sales, x-320

$99/night single, $109/night double are the Boston University rates.

A block of 25 rooms will be held for us until April 28, 1997.
This hotel is within a mile of the CNS Department. There is 
a trolley stop directly outside the hotel that will take you
to within a block of the CNS Department. 

For information about other Boston-area hotels, please see

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