IMACS97 - call for papers

Vincenzo Piuri piuri at
Wed Jun 19 15:44:30 EDT 1996

on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics
Berlin, Germany, 24-29 August 1997

General Chair: prof. A. Sydow, GMD FIRST, Germany
Honorary Chair: prof. R. Vichnevetsky, Rutgers University, USA

Call for Papers for the Special Sessions on
Neural Technologies for Control and Signal/Image Processing


The aim of this meeting is to make the state of the art and 
explore the future trends of various aspects of computational 
engineering encompassing both theory and applications. 

Due to the increasing interest in industries and in applied 
research, three special sessions on neural technologies will be 
organized on theoretical aspects, implementations and applications 
concerning system control and signal/image processing.

Session 1: "Neural Architectures and Implementations"
Topics of interest are, but not limited to: theoretical aspects 
of neural architectures, optimization of neural architectures, 
design and implementation of digital, analog and mixed structures, 
software implementations, fault tolerance, architectural 
sensitivity and design issues. Particular enphasis will be given 
to architectures and implementations for control and signal 

Session 2: "Neural Applications for Identification and Control"
Topics of interest are, but not limited to: theoretical models 
for identification and control, methodologies for neural 
identification, strategies for neural control, architectures 
for identification and control, forecasting, applications, 
adaptability, sensitivity. 

Session 3: "Neural Techniques for Signal/Image Processing"
Topics of interest are, but not limited to: theoretical models 
for signal/image analysis, methodologies for neural signal/image 
analysis, dedicated architectures, software implementations, 
optimization of neural paradigms, applications.

Authors interested in the above Special Sessions are invited 
to submit an extended summary (about 5 pages) or the preliminary
version of the paper to the Special Session Organizer by 
November 30, 1996. 
The submission must contain the following information: title, 
authors' name and affiliations, the name and the complete 
address (including affiliation, mail address, phone, fax, and 
email) of the contact author, the name of the special session. 
Submission can be done also by fax, email (plain postscript 
uuencoded files only), ftp (call your postscript file with 
the name of the first author, connect by ftp anonymous to, put your file in the directory 
pub/papers/Vincenzo.Piuri/imacs97, send an email to the session
organizer informing about the submission). 
Rejection or preliminary acceptance will be mailed by December 
15, 1996. Final acceptance will be mailed by February 28, 1997.
The final camera-ready version of the paper is due by April 30, 

Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Organizer of the Special Sessions on Neural Technologies

Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
piazza L. da Vinci 32
20133 Milano, Italy

fax +39-2-2399-3411
email piuri at


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