update announcement - NC.bib

Nici Schraudolph nschraud at evotec.de
Thu Jun 6 16:12:55 EDT 1996

I have recently updated my BibTeX database NC.bib to include all articles
in Neural Computation up to volume 7.  The updated file is available by
anonymous ftp from the following locations:

	USA - ftp://ftp.cnl.salk.edu/pub/schraudo/NC.bib.gz
	Europe - ftp://nix.evotec.de/pub/nschraud/NC.bib.gz

It has also been incorporated into the following BibTeX collections:

Center for Computational Intelligence, TU Wien:

The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

Happy citing,

    Dr. Nicol N. Schraudolph       Tel: +49-40-56081-284
    Evotec Biosystems GmbH         Fax: +49-40-56081-222
    Grandweg 64                    Home: +49-40-430-3381
    22529 Hamburg
    Germany            http://www.cnl.salk.edu/~schraudo/

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